Чувство страха и тревоги: справляемся за 5 шагов

A vague and heavy premonition of impending misfortunes — anxiety — familiar to everyone. In difference from fear — a feeling that arises as a reaction to quite real events, anxiety can arise without any reason. You suddenly start to worry about a loved one, to be afraid of being fired and to be left without money, to become numb in the presence of a large number of people....

There can be many reasons for  — from chronic stress to deep internal conflict. But regardless the source of the problem, it needs prompt solutions, otherwise the feeling of fear and anxiety can turn life into torture.

How to overcome feelings of fear and anxiety: a step-by-step guide

Psychologists believe that the most effective self-help scheme is a strict sequence of actions.

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Step 1. Change the scenery

And you need to do this immediately as soon as you feel an irrational feeling of fear or anxiety. Did you feel that while you prepared dinner? Turn off the stove and go out into another room, which will have a different environment, different smells, different lighting.

If anxiety has swept over you in public transport — change the "picture" before your eyes. For example, if you watched the window— look at fellow travelers, try to consider the details of their clothes, listen to their voices.

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Step 2. Concentrate on breathing

After the first step, the anxiety will not go away, but it will give you some "space" for other thoughts and feelings. Use it for proper breathing. Take a slow and neat breath — as if you are afraid to give yourself away with your breath and should breathe as inaudibly as possible. At the same time, point your shoulders forward, slouching a little. When you completely fill your lungs with air — slowly and "openly" exhale, do it with full force and at the same time straighten your shoulders and take them back. Repeat this cycle of breaths and exhalations 3-4 times.

Read also: How to relieve stress: 5 tested ways

Step 3. Let your emotions out

At this stage, the anxiety becomes weaker, but it acquires recognizable features. You may suddenly realize what exactly you are afraid of or what factors triggered your fear. At this moment, it is better to let the emotions out. If you are in a convenient environment — — you can just scream, give vent to tears, hit the pillow several times. It can be any action that doesn do you no harm, but that you do from soul», without holding back your emotions.

If you can't let yourself go — the equivalent of such facilitating actions will be a strong extension and flexion of the fingers. Do this with maximum effort, as if the air is resisting you. Alternatively — may stretch the whole body strongly so that even the toes are tense, then suddenly relax the body.

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Step 4. Switch attention

The best way to do it anywhere (at work, home, public transport) — it is slowly and clearly reading a poem to yourself, repeating a tongue twister. It is important to carefully "pronounce" each letter, controlling its "internal" diction. All the poems and sayings suddenly disappeared from your head? Repeat your home address to yourself, list the characters of your favorite TV show, and so on, but do it clearly, letter by letter.

Read also: How to stop being nervous: 10 secret ways

Step 5. Meditation

Meditative techniques will help to consolidate the result and stabilize your emotional state. In this case, it is not necessary to take the lotus position, read mantras, or take other similar actions. It is enough to force your muscles to enter a state of a kind of trance, and it will "transmit" nervous system.

Easiest way — repeat any monotonous action. For example, throwing one leg over your knee, rhythmically swing your feet. Or just rhythmically tap your fingers on your knee. The main rule — movements should be uniform and monotonous, which force you to concentrate on the moving part of the body.

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How to prevent fear and anxiety

The following five steps will help you deal with anxiety that has already arisen. And  the following tips will help make such attacks rarer and, more importantly, controllable:

  • Keep a diary. Describe in as much detail as possible the situation in which you experienced fear. Such recordings allow you to see events from a different angle, analyze them in a safe environment and form a more relaxed attitude towards them.

  • Share your fears only with people who understand you.And if there are none in your environment — trust your thoughts and feelings to a diary rather than a friend or loved one who thinks your anxiety is funny or just a sign of weakness. This attitude exacerbates self-doubt and creates even more fertile ground for fears.

  • If, over time, fears arise for less and less insignificant reasons — be sure to consult a doctor. A simple examination will allow you to assess the level of hormones, the state of the thyroid gland and other indicators of the body's work, which can create biochemical prerequisites for increased nervousness. If your physical health is perfect — you will be assigned a consultation with a psychotherapist who will be able to relieve you of internal stress during therapeutic sessions.

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Be afraid — this is normal. Sometimes it's even good to be afraid. But make sure           become conditions that bind you and don't allow to enjoy life.

Read also: How to deal with anxiety disorder: the opinion of a psychotherapist

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