Цветотерапия в помощь: как происходит лечение цветом

There are three things in the world that have a powerful effect on the psyche and human health. It is sound, smell and color.

The most influential of these is color. Its healing properties were known many centuries ago.

So, in ancient Egypt and China, patients were rubbed with certain colors or put on clothes of one shade or another. Color therapy or chromotherapy is still widely used in alternative medicine today.

Acting at the cellular level, color treatment relieves ailments, fatigue and stress, and also awakens emotions, thoughts and feelings.

How does the body and soul heal? The online publication estet-portal.com will tell you about this using the example of certain colors.

1. Color treatment: how color therapy is implemented
2. Red – the color of life, strength and confidence
3. Orange – the color of optimism and freedom
4. Yellow – the color of spiritual development and mental activity
5. Blue – the color of peace, a clear mind and a healthy body
6. Blue – soothing and soothing color
7. Green: color treatment that soothes
8. Violet: Healing with the color of inspiration and spiritual development

Colour treatment: how color therapy is implemented

In order to be healed by color, it is not necessary to visit special medical facilities. After all, color therapy is available to everyone. There are many ways to use color for therapeutic purposes:

• visualization;
• art therapy;
• color meditation.

Visualization – the easiest way to color treatment, which does not require special preparation and materials.

Visualization – This is a treatment method that involves the creation of a color picture that affects the deep layers of the subconscious through the visual centers. In addition to the therapeutic effect, it develops concentration, self-regulation and imagination.

Imagining bright pictures, psycho-physiological changes occur inside the body. Therefore, we can say with confidence that visualization works no worse than a session of light exposure with the participation of special devices.

Art therapy involves the use of colored pencils, paints and other drawing materials, as well as paper, fabric, thread, plasticine and other colored objects. Any creativity or art using colored products helps to overcome your fears, anxiety, neuroses. Also, art therapy changes a person from the inside, because this technique helps him express himself and open up.

Color meditation – this is being in a meditative state in which a person visualizes specific colors in his inner space.

It is possible to achieve the maximum effect of color treatment if you concentrate on the right color scheme for a long time, and also practice regularly. Color meditation is especially effective in combination with breathing and relaxation exercises.

Each color acts on a person differently. To find out which palette is worth choosing, below we will consider how this or that color affects a person.

Red – the color of life, strength and confidence

This color activates the work of the whole organism. By stimulating the production of red blood cells, it helps with blood diseases. In addition, it has a positive effect on the work of the heart and improves the appearance of the skin. The use of red is indispensable in the following cases:

• prostration;
• lack of self-esteem;
• difficulty in making decisions;
• constant thoughts about the past;
• lack of joy;
• depression.

Red color helps with decreased libido. It has an exciting and stimulating effect.

But this color also has a second side of the coin. In excess, it makes a person more aggressive, and also leads to overwork and nervous strain. Therefore, color treatment should be in moderation.

And red is not suitable for all people. It should be avoided by those with the following health problems:

• elevated temperature;
• inflammatory processes;
• high blood pressure.

Besides, psychologists do not recommend using it in color therapy for irritable, nervous people, as well as for teenagers and children.

Orange – the color of optimism and freedom

Orange color is similar to red in terms of effects on the body. It also has a positive effect on blood circulation by warming cold areas. In addition to this, the red color has a beneficial effect on the secretion of the internal glands and respiratory organs, helps in the treatment of kidney diseases and rejuvenates the entire body.

Orange color also dilutes the boring and monotonous life. It frees from the framework of the usual worldview and everyday routine, expanding the horizons and making a person more free. In addition, it gives warmth when it is dark and cold outside.

As in the case of with red, orange should not be abused. Also, it should not be used by those who are easily excitable by nature.

Yellow – the color of spiritual development and mental activity

Yellow color – excellent mental stimulant. It activates the work of the brain, clears thoughts, and also eliminates mental fatigue.

This color will come in handy for schoolchildren, students and office workers, whose daily employment is associated with focusing attention, communication and mental activity. Along with this, yellow color makes the skin firmer and rejuvenates it.

And if it is present in the interior of the kitchen, there is an active production of gastric juice and an increase in appetite.

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Blue – the color of peace, a clear mind and a healthy body

The blue color has an analgesic effect. It relieves headaches, clears thoughts and consciousness, and also normalizes the functioning of the whole organism, including the nervous system. Color treatment relieves insomnia and nervous tics.

In contrast to yellow, blue reduces appetite and thus benefits digestion. Therefore, overweight people are advised to use it in color therapy.

But this shade must be applied with extreme caution. After all, its abundance leads to disruption of the circulation of energy flows. And this, in turn, is fraught with malfunctions in the body.

Blue – soothing and soothing color

Be sure to use blue when treating with color. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, namely:

• relieves insomnia;
• treats various nervous diseases;
• eliminates anxiety, anxiety, fears and worries.

And the blue color also calms the brain, making consciousness clearer, and thinking – contemplative. In addition, when using it, the body's immune defenses improve, blood vessels constrict, and energy reserves are replenished.

With its analgesic effect, blue eliminates headaches and relieves eye strain, which is very useful for people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor. And due to its cooling properties, the blue color helps with burns.

But you shouldn't get carried away with this color either . Otherwise, you can "catch" apathy and sadness.

Green: a color treatment that soothes

Green color perfectly calms the nervous system. Therefore, it is recommended for those people who are dissatisfied with themselves or others.

In addition, it stabilizes the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and also activates cell growth. This color helps to raise a healthy child during pregnancy, promotes bone fusion in case of fractures, and also rejuvenates the entire body.

But there are also negative aspects of green. When there is too much of it, negative energy is attracted, which harms the human body..

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Purple: healing color of inspiration and spiritual development

Purple is the perfect color for creative people as it inspires. This shade comes to the rescue in difficult times, helping to immerse yourself in yourself, relieve inner tension and hear your inner voice.

In addition, purple gives a feeling of lightness in the body and spiritual strength, bringing complete harmony to a person's life.

The positive effect of purple color on the physical health of a person has also been noticed. It improves the functioning of the heart, lungs and blood vessels, and also helps in the treatment of eye diseases and colds.

If you choose color therapy, remember the following: color therapy – this is just a helper method. In case of serious health problems and difficult life situations, it is still better to seek help from a specialist.

After all, despite the fact that such an unconventional technique is very simple, it has a powerful effect that can negatively affect physical and psychological well-being.

But if you are completely healthy, do color therapy for your pleasure, just do it in moderation.

Source of Life Force: How to Awaken Inner energy

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