Dermatitis – one of the most common skin diseases in the world. For example, atopic dermatitis occurs in 20 percent of a thousand people, that is, every 5th. But when this disease occurs, not many people know how to get rid of it. Unfortunately, infants and, to a lesser extent, school-age children, are the most affected by this disease.

At such moments, many young parents are lost, not knowing how to help their child. However, there is an effective way to help the sick, which is recommended by all – diet for dermatitis.

Method of treatment of atopic dermatitis

Doctors call atopic dermatitis a skin disorder that manifests itself as a result of exposure to an allergen. Often this type of dermatitis affects people with a predisposition to allergic reactions, people who often endure stress or strong excitement, as well as victims of food intoxication. Dermatitis in this type of disease manifests itself in classic symptoms. Itching, peeling, red blisters, etc. – these are all the unpleasant consequences of the manifestation of the disease.

The main rules of diet treatment for atopic dermatitis, which should be followed in strict sequence:

• exclusion from the daily menu of allergic products (honey, chocolate, smoked meats, preservation, seasonings, nuts, citrus fruits);
• one- or two-day fasting, during which only water and weak teas are allowed;
• after fasting, one food should be added to the diet every day in order to immediately determine which food an allergic reaction occurs to.

All diets, as well as other treatments – very individual, so it is worth consulting a nutritionist and dermatologist.

With this type of disease, patients are recommended to consume lean meat, offal, lean fish, rich in omega-3, apples (except red ones), pumpkin, pear, plums, watermelon, gooseberries, currants, turnips, zucchini, squash, boiled rice , oatmeal and pearl barley, as well as natural fermented milk products with live bacteria. It is strictly forbidden to eat fried foods and semi-finished products.

Sample menu for atopic type of dermatitis:

• Breakfast: grated apple with oatmeal on the water, green tea; plum compote and low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream.
• Lunch: vegetable soup with turkey meat or lean beef; lean meat meatballs with boiled rice.
• Dinner: steamed veal; stewed vegetables and a couple of plums.


Seborrheic dermatitis treatment

In contrast to the atopic type of dermatitis, seborrheic – chronic inflammatory disease. It manifests itself due to the presence of a yeast fungus that lives on the surface of the skin. But these types of dermatitis differ not only in the cause of development, but also in the severity of diets. If in the case of apothecal dermatitis the main task is to exclude the allergen from food, then in the case of seborrheic dermatitis, the diet is not only about this. Another task of dietitians – inclusion in the diet of products that help to regenerate new skin cells faster and protect existing ones.

For seborrheic dermatitis, it is important to follow these rules:

• give up alcohol and tobacco products;
• do not use fast food, fast food and other "E"; containing products;
• limit the use of fast carbohydrates, that is, sweet pastries, cakes, pastries, etc .;
• meat and fish should be consumed only in steamed, boiled or baked form.

The restrictions for this type of disease are quite severe. Eggs, honey, sweet red fruits and vegetables, fatty meats, smoked meats and canned food, sugar, sweets and sweets, semolina, potatoes, as well as spicy, hot, peppery, salty and pickled foods – all these foods become unwanted guests in the kitchen of a person with seborrheic dermatitis.

But, in addition to prohibitions, this diet also includes recommendations from doctors. They advise eating lean meats and fish, rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, cucumbers, herbs and zucchini, as well as dried fruits, apples (not red) and pumpkin. Many experts add low-fat dairy products to this list of products, excluding only milk.

Read also: "3 ways to cleanse the liver with pumpkin"

Sample menu for seborrheic type of dermatitis:

• Breakfast: cottage cheese, kefir, apple (not red) and herbal tea; green hour with lemon balm, pear and cottage cheese with a slice of whole grain bread and herbs.
• Lunch: zucchini puree soup, lean meat baked in the oven with vegetables and dried fruit compote.
• Dinner: fish steam cutlets, fresh vegetables and tea; cucumber and cabbage salad, steamed fish and tea.


Such diets will help not only get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis, but also keep yourself in shape, since all the variability of daily diets for dermatitis is based on a healthy diet.

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