Доктор: недостаток паратгормона является опасным для жизни

Parathormone, the norm of which is determined by analysis, is of great importance for regulating metabolic processes in the body. In particular, the levels of phosphorus and calcium depend on it. Normally, the hormone maintains the stable functioning of the body. However, its deficiency or excess negatively affects the health – various diseases develop that have negative consequences for humans.

The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you when and who needs to donate blood for parathyroid hormone, what significance it has for the body, what the results of the study mean. 

Parathyroid hormone: the norm of content and its importance for the body


Parathyroid hormone or PTH is produced by glands that are located on the back of the thyroid gland. The stability of the level of phosphorus and calcium in the body depends on the norm of the content of this substance. The release of this hormone occurs on the principle of "feedback". That is, if the level of calcium decreases, then the hormone is released more – and vice versa. The concentration of PTH depends on the amount of phosphorus, calcium, the norm of the level of vitamins D and A.


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PTH is used to remove calcium from the bones, which is needed to compensate for its deficiency in the blood. An excess of the hormone is fraught with the appearance of osteoporosis, calcification of blood vessels, problems with the mucous membranes of the digestive system.

kidney function is also disrupted. 

Parathormone – norm or violation: when to take tests

PTG – a hormone, the study of which is often carried out as prescribed by an endocrinologist or orthopedist. The reason your doctor may decide that you need to be tested for your hormone levels may be:

    chronic kidney disease;

  • if there are signs of osteoporosis;

  • if a tumor of the parathyroid glands is suspected;

  • when removing the parathyroid glands;

  • with excess calcium in the blood with characteristic pain in the abdomen, cramps, tingling sensation in the fingers;

  • with a lack of calcium in the blood, which is accompanied by abdominal pain, thirst, nausea and fatigue;

  • with complaints of frequent fractures, bone pain.

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You should also get tested for PTH if a person is at risk of developing osteoporosis. This includes older and postmenopausal women.


Read also: What is the danger of calcium deficiency in the body? One day before such an analysis, you need to give up alcohol and stop taking drugs that can affect the results (to be agreed with the doctor). Pass the analysis on an empty stomach, on the day of the procedure you can not smoke, play sports. blood is taken from a vein. 

Parathormone: normal, low, high 

Normal content of parathyroid hormone – that's 16-46 pictograms per milliliter. At the same time, the calcium content in the blood is usually examined – and he is also within the normal range.


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Exceeding the values ​​indicates that there may be a malfunction of the thyroid gland – hyperfunction. It can be primary, secondary and tertiary. All this is observed if the body receives less vitamin D and calcium. Excess is also possible with bone metastases, rickets, chronic renal failure. At the same time, a slightly elevated level will be normal for women during pregnancy and lactation, while taking anticonvulsants. 

Reduced concentration of parathyroid hormone occurs with thyrotoxicosis, multiple myeloma, insufficient thyroid function. A decrease in the level of the hormone contributes to a lack of vitamins A and D.


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Hormonal balance – what our health is based on. And here parathyroid hormone also plays an important role, the norm of which affects the indicators of important substances necessary for teeth, hair, skin, psyche, body health. The condition of the bones, that is, the quality of our life, depends on it. If you have the problems described above, get your hormone levels tested so you know how to proceed and if you should be concerned.

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