Эффективные методы, как убрать морщины вокруг глаз

No one is immune from wrinkles. They appear in every person: for someone earlier, and for someone later. Such phenomena signal age-related changes. From the folds on the skin, the area around the eyes will be the first to suffer, because it is considered the most vulnerable. If you do not help your dermis in time, the problem may worsen: the face will look faded and old. Therefore, the skin must be protected from a young age. With the advent of the first "crow's feet" you need to fight right away. The online publication estet-portal.com will tell you how to remove wrinkles around the eyes quickly and effectively.

Nature of wrinkles: appearance and types

To begin with, let's consider with you the very essence of wrinkles. These are, in essence, skin folds, differing in varying intensity and severity. located under the eyes. Usually the first wrinkles in this area appear at the age of 25 years. However, this phenomenon may manifest itself even earlier.

Wrinkles around the eyes are divided into two types:
•    age;
•    mimic.
In the first case, they speak of folds that usually occur with age. And mimic wrinkles often appear in those people who often smile and squint their eyes.

First, thin and inconspicuous lines appear. And already closer to 40 they turn into deep folds.

Why wrinkles appear around the eyes

Before we learn how to remove wrinkles around the eyes, let's talk with you about where they come from. As a rule, such folds appear due to biological changes in the body. The fact is that over the years, metabolic processes slow down, and the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid decreases, which negatively affects the appearance of the skin. She begins to fade, covered with age spots and the first wrinkles. And since the dermis around the eyes is very thin and delicate, it is not protected from stretching. That is why the first wrinkles appear in this area of ​​the face.

The cause of the problem may also lie within. Often wrinkles appear against the background of:
•    disturbances in water and electrolyte balance;
•    disorders of metabolic processes;
•    presence of toxins in the body;
•    kidney disease;
•     stomach problems;
•    lack of vitamins.

External factors also influence the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes:
•    weather conditions: strong wind, active sun, frost;
•    constant stress;
•    malnutrition;
•    passion for coffee;
•    excessive skin cleansing;
•    smoking, drinking of alcohol and other bad habits;
•    lack of sleep.

And as for mimic or, as they are also called, dynamic wrinkles, the reason for the appearance of such folds is the mimicry itself, which is distinguished by emotionality and diversity. When a person constantly smiles, squints at bright lights, frowns, or closes the eyelids tightly, it causes wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes: several ways

If you don't want crow's feet age your face, the problem needs to be fixed, and the sooner the better. Ideally, do this as soon as it appears. There are several good methods.

"Beauty Injections" – popular assistant in the fight against wrinkles The destruction of wrinkles with the help of various injections on the wave of popularity is not without reason. After all, the skin after them is smoothed out in a rather short time. There are several types of injections, among which Botox, fillers and mesotherapy should be distinguished.

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Light creams for the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is not suitable for greasy creams that you smear your face with. It is necessary to select special care cosmetics with a light texture. And it is very important that in its composition it contains vitamins A and E, retinol, hyaluronic acid. Creams with this composition perfectly nourish delicate skin, smooth fine wrinkles, and also remove dark circles under the eyes.

Apply the cream with light point touches, without rubbing it into the skin. Excess cosmetic can be gently blotted with a tissue or cotton pad.

Facebuilding – effective workouts for the skin of the face the area around the eyes. This technique is good because it activates metabolic processes, which leads to accelerated cell regeneration. It is preferable to resort to gymnastics in the morning after waking up. It is not difficult to perform it: in a sitting position, you need to look straight ahead, then – raise and lower your eyes. The head must remain still. And so it should be repeated 10 times. Next, you need to look to the right, then – to the left. Massage is also very effective. It involves gently massaging the eyelids with fingertips before going to bed.

And finally, the following recommendation: if you want to keep your skin young for a long time, be sure to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, which includes giving up bad habits, proper nutrition, drinking enough fluids and skin care.

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