Эмоциональная зрелость: 10 главных признаков

Time flies instantly, every minute we become older and more experienced. Previously, we could walk all day long, now we are more interested in how to earn money and feed our families, earlier in a quarrel we emotionally slammed the door and left, now we are trying to come to a compromise and understand the opposite side.

Scientists and psychologists have long studied the issue and called these changes a special term – emotional maturity. What is emotional maturity and how to understand whether you are a mature person will help you figure it out.

1. The concept of emotional maturity and immaturity
2. The main signs of an emotionally mature person
3. How to Develop Emotional Maturity

The concept of emotional maturity and immaturity

Throughout life a person changes - this is a natural process. For some, this is expressed more clearly, for others, changes are more restrained. Psychologists began to deal with the concept of the formation of personality in the 19th century. Sigmund Freud was one of the founders of the study of emotional maturity. After him, many scientists tried to study this phenomenon, but one definition was put forward. In general, emotional maturity – it is a set of factors in a person’s life under which he normally exists, enjoys what is happening, adequately responds to difficulties and finds ways to overcome them. The opposite character to an emotionally mature person is an infantile personality.

An emotionally immature person is not self-confident, tries to assert himself at the expense of other people, condemns, envies and is rude. A characteristic feature of immaturity is the inability to find balance and measure: if feelings - then

love to the grave, in the professional sphere – work up to a sweat, in sports – to exhaustion of the body.

Infantile personalities are prone to addictions: alcoholism, drugs, obesity, substance abuse. Due to dissatisfaction with their lives, they seek solace not in themselves, but in the surrounding temptations.

The main signs of an emotionally mature person

To recognize what kind of person you are dealing with, you need to know what signs characterize an emotionally mature person.

So, what kind of mature person is he?

1)    Listen to criticism. A person who has reached emotional maturity will listen to the comments to the end, draw conclusions, discuss everything, and will no longer make the same mistakes. If the criticism, in his opinion, is not justified, he will state his vision calmly and according to the facts.

2)    Not afraid of the new. Life is very changeable, today «you are on horseback», tomorrow – quitting a job, leaving a wife, or moving to another country. But for an emotionally mature person, this is not a worldwide problem. He will weigh all the pros and cons, and will be able to adapt to a new stage of life without making a tragedy out of it.


Stop stress. In difficult situations, does not give in to fears and does not give emotions the upper hand. Nerve cells not only spoil the mood, but also adversely affect health.

4)    Adheres to the principle of long-term enjoyment. The prospect of feeling good is always pleasant, which is why many people are addicted to alcohol or cigarettes, which give temporary pleasure. But for an emotionally mature individual, it is better to achieve hedonism later, but longer.

5)    Not only loves to receive, but also to give. This applies to money, positive emotions, love. Infantile people are only waiting to be given and given everything, selfishness takes over from them.

6)    Shows respect for others. The ability to get into position and forgive – not a sign of weakness, but a trait of emotional maturity.

7)    Accepts the fact of death. Life is given only once, and no matter what scientists or magicians say about the afterlife, it cannot be verified. A mature person understands this, and therefore does everything possible to enjoy what is given.

8)    Engaged in self-realization. A rationally healthy person seeks himself in creativity, new projects, strives to achieve new goals.

9)    Ready to take risks. When an infantile person will sit silently and wait until happiness falls on his head, a person who has reached emotional maturity takes everything into his own hands and acts.  

10)    Has patience. It is

crying and screaming when we cannot wait and do not want to endure. An adult accomplished person endures, and does not raise a panic prematurely.

My default image

How to develop emotional maturity

If you notice that you do not meet some of the signs of an emotionally accomplished person, this is not a problem. The main thing is to be interested in changing the situation.

To do this, you should heed some advice:

•    Develop a sense of responsibility. Get a pet, take on overtime assignments that will be more disciplined and motivated.

•    Restrain yourself. In a litter, do not shout without thinking over the remark, hold your breath, count to 5, exhale and think, why did you do this? The answer is to get better. So cock your answer first before yelling and arguing.
•    Read books. No matter how trite it may sound, but books develop thinking and horizons, help to think about decisions and find ways out of difficult situations using examples from the lives of heroes.  
•    Do not panic at the first difficulties. If sedatives can help at first,
When you lose your strength and you want to give up everything, think that you won't be able to achieve emotional maturity this way. Remember what motivates you and clearly visualize the picture of what you want to achieve. This will give strength and patience.

Emotional maturity is not easy to achieve. But it can be developed and strive to achieve. In our time, it is considered a compliment of the highest praise if you were awarded the title of emotionally mature person. Such a person improves himself and helps others to realize themselves, serves as a good example for the younger generation. Do not allow fears, worries, stresses, selfishness into your life. Try to give and love more, give and forgive, and then you can consider yourself an emotionally mature person.

See also:

15 signs of a "quality person" by Abraham Maslow

How to become attractive, not just beautiful? Watch the video!

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