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Psychosomatics balances on the edge between medicine and psychology, as it explores the relationship between mind and body.

Psychosomatic disorders can be considered real diseases that cause damage on an organic level and are caused by emotional factors. Therefore, too anxious thoughts can keep the nervous system in a state of constant activation, which can lead to damage to weaker organs.

Diseases of a psychosomatic nature are quite diverse. Today we will look at the three most common psychosomatic diseases.

Psychosomatic dermatitis – pathology that affects the skin

Dermatitis – skin disease, usually consists of an inflammatory reaction that manifests itself as irritation. One of the reasons for the occurrence of dermatitis may be a kind of protective reaction of the body to certain endogenous processes that can cause suffering to the body itself (for example, situations of severe stress can cause this reaction and aggravate it to a form of psoriasis). Therefore, here we speak of psychosomatic dermatitis when there are no recognized organic causes that define it.

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Dermatitis often tends to aggravate in stressful situations: many studies confirm that the so-called "stress hormones" (such as cortisol) have the ability to additionally stimulate the immune response to irritation.

What are the consequences of negative emotions  If you are suffering from psychosomatic dermatitis, it is necessary to intervene indirectly by reducing the stress factors mentioned above that cause it. It is advisable to use the symptoms of dermatitis as an alarm signal that warns us that our body is experiencing emotional difficulties

. The solution to this problem will be effective with the support of a psychotherapist in order to reduce psychophysical discomfort.

Psychosomatic colitis: symptoms and treatment

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

is a disease of the bowel commonly referred to as

colitis, a generic term for inflammation of the large intestine. Colitis is considered a non-organic disorder and is part of that broad spectrum of psychosomatic diseases where conditions of psychological distress go so far as to cause problems at an organic level, in various places in our body.How our thinking affects the body


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psychological factors

will in turn be exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle, disorganized and low fiber diet, alcohol, caffeine, smoking. The symptoms of

psychosomatic colitis

are varied, mainly abdominal discomfort such as bloating, flatulence, tension, often associated with nausea, headache, anxiety, fatigue, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating. Subscribe to our page on Instagram


The drug for psychosomatic colitis is mainly aimed at reducing the symptoms of irritable bowel. It is helpful to change your diet by avoiding risky foods (such as seasoned cheeses, sausages, fruit with seeds, melons, legumes, citrus fruits, mushrooms, and carbonated drinks) and change your lifestyle by increasing physical activity, exercise. Treatment of psychosomatic colitis inevitably goes through a good path of psychotherapy, which will help to learn stress management strategies and identify the supporting factors of autonomic nervous system hyperactivation responsible for the involuntary contractions of the intestinal muscles that produce the

colitis symptoms. "Tension headache" most common form of headache This type of headache can be either episodic (rare) or chronic if it occurs more than 15 days in a month or more than 6 months in a year. The episodic form is caused by effort or posture errors, while the chronic form depends on functional changes in the central nervous system.


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The causes of tension-type headache may not always be identified, however, if organic problems and the abuse of certain drugs are ruled out, the possibility that the symptom is associated with intense
psychosocial stress or anxiety

must be considered. The initiating cause causes continuous contraction of the muscles around the head and neck, resulting in tissue damage and hence an inflammatory process.

Headache treatment

tension is multidisciplinary: muscle relaxants, a diary to facilitate the identification of triggers, symptoms and frequency of seizures, lifestyle regulation, cognitive behavioral individual psychotherapy, biofeedback ( EMG) for learning to control muscle tension and interrupt the vicious cycle "contracture - pain" contracture", relaxation methods (autogenic training, yoga, isometric exercises, etc.), electrotherapy (muscle relaxation and stimulation of endorphin release), physiotherapy (posture correction, mobilization, spinal

manipulations, massage). Psychosomatic illnesses: how to deal with emotions  Modern medicine and psychotherapy say that in recent years the list of diseases caused by psychosomatic symptoms has increased. In addition to the above,

psychosomatic disorders

can occur in the gastrointestinal system (psychosomatic gastritis, gastric ulcer), in the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, hypertension), in the respiratory system ( bronchial asthma, hyperventilation syndrome), in the genitourinary system (menstrual pain, impotence, premature ejaculation or anorgasmia, enuresis), in the skin system (psoriasis, acne, itching, urticaria, dry skin and mucous membranes, profuse sweating), in the musculoskeletal system system (muscle cramps, chronic fatigue, neck stiffness,



Psychosomatic symptoms are common in various forms of depression and in almost all anxiety disorders. In particular,

psychosomaticsMy default image aims to detect and understand the negative effects that the psyche has on the body.

So that you should listen and feel yourself, it’s not in vain that they say “in a healthy body – healthy spirit! More useful and interesting information on our YouTube channel:

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