Hydradenitis is an infectious inflammatory disease of the apocrine sweat glands in the armpit. Most often, such an ailment, popularly nicknamed "bitch's udder", is localized in the armpits due to the maximum accumulation of sweat pores, however, sometimes certain parts of the genital organs and inguinal folds are also affected by the inflammatory process. Hidradenitis does not threaten the elderly and children due to the characteristics of age, since it is during these periods that the sweat glands are not so active. The development of the disease can be triggered by neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, diseases of the endocrine sphere, wearing synthetic clothing, and even severe hypothermia. Read on about how to protect yourself from the occurrence of such an unpleasant ailment and about the treatment of hidradenitis.

Causes of hydradenitis

Active activity of Staphylococcus aureus and less often parasites of the streptococcal family – direct cause of hydradenitis. In addition, factors that make a person more vulnerable to pathogenic organisms are:

  • excessive hypothermia;
  • immunodeficiency of the organism;
  • overweight;
  • wearing synthetic clothing;
  • diseases of the endocrine sphere;
  • skin microtraumas and cuts resulting from insufficiently careful hair removal.

Manifestation of hydradenitis

I stage. Often, one side is affected by the inflammatory process, however, it is likely that both armpits will be affected. At the initial stage of hidradenitis, small seals form under the skin, but are well felt during palpation. At the same time, touching the neoplasms is accompanied by unpleasant pain sensations. At this stage, hidradenitis can be eliminated through the use of conservative therapeutic methods.

II stage. Over time, such “bumps” under the armpit turn into dense protruding neoplasms, which can already be seen on the skin with the naked eye, outwardly they look like nipples. It happens that armpit acne merges, turning into one continuous large focus. At the site of inflammation, the skin becomes pink, and over time it acquires a red and bluish tint.

Pain at this stage appears not only when touched, but also in those moments when a person simply makes movements with his hand. Then the pain becomes a constant phenomenon and haunts the patient even when he is at rest. Due to hydradenitis, body temperature rises and general well-being worsens.

Stage III. Purulent hidradenitis is the last stage of the disease. During this period, there is a gradual softening of the bumps under the armpit, which eventually break through, while a plentiful purulent infiltrate is released to the outside. In the treatment of purulent hidradenitis, surgical intervention is often resorted to. It usually takes 7-14 days from the onset of the formation of armpit acne (bumps) to the moment the abscesses burst, however, if the patient is overweight or diabetic, this period may last longer. After a crust forms on the formed pustules, there is a high probability that the disease will return again. It is better to start treating the disease as soon as possible while it is in its early stages, because purulent hydradenitis can lead to such dangerous complications as sepsis.

Hydradenitis diagnosis

As a rule, in this case, doctors rarely doubt when making a diagnosis, because the inflammatory process has a specific localization and an eloquent clinical picture. There is a similarity of hidradenitis in some parameters with collicative tuberculosis, as well as with furunculosis. But the so-called bitch udder differs from the first in sensitivity, and from the second – the complete absence of the rod.

Hydradenitis treatment

The basis of basic treatment is taking a course of antibacterial drugs. If the disease is at the initial stage, the treatment of hydradenitis is carried out using sparing methods. Inflamed areas are wiped several times a day with cotton wool, which is moistened in an antiseptic solution (brilliant green, iodine, salicylic alcohol, ethyl alcohol, camphor alcohol, boric alcohol).

Under no circumstances should wet compresses be used. With such an action, it is only possible to provoke an increase in suppuration, and infiltration becomes even more abundant. Warming up the nodes is allowed only with the help of dry heat. It is possible to achieve a good result through the use of such physiotherapeutic procedures as ultrasound, UVI and UHF.

If the seals become obvious and pus accumulates in them, bandages can be applied to the nodes, previously soaked in ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment. So it is possible to accelerate the formation of abscesses, facilitate the process of breakthrough and discharge of the infiltrate. In the event of the formation of a large and very painful focus in the armpit, injections are made from a mixture of antibiotic and Novocain around the affected area.

In case of hydradenitis, surgery will be appropriate in case of a protracted painful process of accumulation of pus in inflamed sweat glands.


Prevention of hidradenitis

This disease is not terrible for those who carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is also better to refuse too frequent hair removal in the armpits, while giving preference to recommended high-quality disposable machines. It is better to use exclusively proven skin care products, and if you have already encountered this disease – do not forget to regularly treat the armpits with a solution of camphor alcohol 10% in the warm season.

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