The working day is over, you come home and fall exhausted on the sofa. Where did all the vital energy that you were full of in the morning go? Competent accounting of the energy expended is no less important than the management of finances, proper nutrition and maintaining the required level of physical activity. In order not to waste vital energy, i.e. to your own detriment, you must first determine where it goes, and then draw up a plan for optimizing energy distribution and stick to it. This is important, because the lack of vital energy leads to various kinds of ailments and diseases.

Life energy - when we waste it

1. Unfinished business

Abandoned in a fit of laziness, boredom or unwillingness, a business leads to a leak of vital energy, which, imperceptibly for you, concentrates on tasks that you have not completed. For some people, they appear in dreams to remind them of the importance of finishing what they started.

That's why it's so important not to take on a task that you don't have the time and/or desire to do. Such unfinished business includes unfulfilled promises and debts that you still have not returned.

2. False

The larger the lie, the more vital energy is spent on its presentation: so many details need to be thought out so that you are not caught in a lie, that it is exhausting no less than unloading cars. Try to be as honest as possible with your loved ones, acquaintances and with yourself - and life will become easier, and more energy will appear.

3. Fear, hostility, distrust

Fear, like lies, consumes a lot of vital energy. Distrust of a person or a hostile attitude also make the body work in a stressful mode - in the end, nothing good will come of it. Remember that all emotions depend on your perception of a particular situation and the world as a whole. Work on yourself and you will be able to learn how to save vital energy.

4. Lack of communion with nature

Life in a metropolis is exhausting in itself: not a minute of absolute silence, not a chance to get away from problems, lack of exposure to clean air and unity with nature. Trees, grass, birds singing - all this feeds your vital energy, and the cold and soulless city sucks it out of you, leaving you in a state of squeezed lemon.

5. Experiences and overloads

The body spends a lot of vital energy to work in overload and / or stress mode. There is not a single system of the body that would not be negatively affected by stress.

6. Talk about nothing

Why waste vital energy on conversations that will not benefit either you or your interlocutor? Such chatter makes you waste not only energy, but also precious time. Therefore, if you feel that the conversation is losing any meaning, do not be shy and stop the conversation. Remember: life is too short for idle chatter.

7. Grievances

gramotnoe-upravlenie-zhiznennoj-energiej-na-chto-ne-stoit-tratit-silyThe inability to forgive, the habit of keeping anger and resentment in oneself is perhaps the worst quality of a person. Negative emotions draw life energy from us and feed on it, growing to incredible proportions. If you cannot forgive a person for this or that act, think that you are harming yourself first of all: your psyche, physical health and vital energy reserves.

8. Lack of sleep

Where can you get vital energy if you do not give rest to either your body or your soul? The failure of biorhythms leads the body into bewilderment: it no longer understands how to cope with the tasks assigned to it without a clear schedule of rest and work, it is perplexed why everything has changed in the usual rhythm of work and eventually arranges a strike.

9. Bad habits

Not only alcohol, drugs and smoking harm the body. There are many bad habits that we tend not to notice: overeating, eating unhealthy foods, the habit of looking at what is happening negatively, blaming the whole world for our failures, etc. The worse you eat, the harder it is for your body to remove toxins, so these eating habits often result in liver and kidney disease. The habit of thinking negatively leads to disruption of the nervous system.

10. External factors and diseases

There are external factors that we cannot influence. However, everyone can stop the outflow of vital energy that occurs when dealing with unpleasant people! The main thing is not to get angry, but to calmly stop communicating or quarreling with an unpleasant person, preventing him from enjoying your vulnerability.

Advice from if you find it difficult to keep track of your life energy, manage it in the same way as finances. Make a list of energy costs and think about what energy costs you can cut and what useful things you need to increase the amount of energy expended. So you can balance your life, you will have more strength for all kinds of accomplishments!

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