Химическая диета Усамы Хадмий: правила успешного похудения

If you have a strong feeling that in the irreconcilable, exhausting struggle with being overweight you are losing defeat after defeat, you have the opportunity to make a new attempt, which has every chance of success.

It's about the so-called chemical diet. Its author – the famous American nutritionist Osama Khadmiy, developed it primarily for patients with type II diabetes, since in this case a significant decrease in body weight allows you to reduce the number of drugs taken and radically improve the quality of life.

Together with estet-portal.com, we will get acquainted with this new weight loss system, which has managed to win many supporters and helps to quickly return to normal weight without the use of drugs and vitamin complexes.

Chemical diet: what does chemistry have to do with it

First of all, it should be noted that the chemical diet, in principle, excludes the use of special preparations for weight loss.

Moreover, having decided to try the effectiveness of the diet on yourself, you will very soon find that your body does not show signs of hypovitaminosis, since a balanced diet is carefully calibrated and contains not only the required amount calories to provide you with energy, it also includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals. But why, a chemical diet?

The basis of the dietary approach of the author of this diet was the principle of changing chemical reactions that determine the characteristics of metabolic processes. Weight loss is achieved not as a result of a significant reduction in the caloric content of the diet, but due to a change in the chemical composition of food.

Carbohydrate deficiency forces the body to use other sources of energy, which are proteins from food and its own fat deposits. So simple? Exactly! And not only simple, but also very effective!

Benefits and features of the chemical diet

Of course, the main and indisputable advantage of this diet is the fact that even a significant weight loss (usually weight loss is at least 10 kg) does not lead to muscle tissue dystrophy, since a sufficient amount of protein food provides the body with all the necessary amino acids.

And if, in addition to diet, you pay enough attention to physical activity, you can also significantly improve your physical shape.

Let's not forget that even the most effective diet that guarantees excellent results can be difficult to endure due to the excruciating bouts of hunger due to dietary reduction.

The chemical diet will not make you hungry, protein foods are absorbed slowly enough without causing a sharp drop in glucose levels, which means it will not make you constantly think about the next meal.

In addition, ketones, formed during the absorption of proteins, help to significantly reduce the feeling of hunger. The basis of the diet are products, the use of which provides the body with an adequate supply of proteins and vitamins with a minimum amount of calories.

When following a chemical diet, you will have to include quite a lot of boiled eggs and grapefruits in your diet. Eggs are an excellent low-calorie source of proteins, and grapefruits promote intensive fat burning. However, if you are allergic to one of these foods, you will have to stop this diet.

Basic Rules for the Chemical Diet

The chemical diet will bring maximum effect and will not harm your health if you follow a number of mandatory, fairly universal recommendations that are useful to follow if you simply make a choice in favor of healthy eating:

1. Never overeat, even if a certain food is allowed to be consumed without restrictions.

2. Minimize your salt intake to prevent fluid retention.

3. Drink enough clean water. Nutritionists recommend drinking at least two liters, but this can only be done in between meals.

Read also: Proper nutrition for weight loss: trainer's advice

4. Of the drinks, while following the diet, unsweetened herbal teas are allowed, but coffee consumption will have to be limited to one cup – without adding cream and milk.

5. Animal and vegetable fats are also prohibited. We cook on the water, refusing to use meat broths. In addition, it is allowed to bake meat or fish in the oven, on the grill.

6. The list of permitted fruits, in addition to oranges and grapefruits, includes plums and apples. But about the use of potatoes and sweet fruits – dates, figs, grapes, bananas will have to be forgotten for now.

7. Dinner is recommended no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Don't forget to control your weight by weighing yourself regularly, but remember that the first results are noticeable only by the end of the first week of dieting.

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Recommended menu for chemical diet

The chemical diet (also called the egg diet) is designed for four weeks, while the menu of each week is different from the previous one.

Certainly, the first week will seem the most difficult for you, during which your breakfast will consist of two soft-boiled eggs and grapefruit (orange). But lunches and dinners throughout the week can alternate. For example, on Monday, any kind of permitted fruit will serve as your lunch dish. But for dinner you can have a small (no more than 150 g) slice of boiled beef or chicken breast.

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But on Tuesday for lunch you can eat boiled meat. Your dinner on this day may consist of a vegetable salad and eggs. In addition to the main set of products, you can afford an orange or another type of citrus.
During the next days of the first week, your diet should be based on the same principle.

During the next week Your diet should include enough eggs that you will have to eat them for dinner as well, for the next five days.

On Saturday, replace your evening meal with fruit salad, and on Sunday – a slice of boiled meat and vegetables.
Dinners continue to consist of boiled or baked beef or chicken, garnished with permitted vegetables. Twice a week, meat can be replaced with lean, steamed fish.

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The third week of the diet consists almost exclusively of fruits and vegetables, while on Monday and Sunday it is recommended to replenish strength by eating only one type of fruit, Tuesday should be made vegetable, and Wednesday should alternate fruits with vegetables. The diet of Thursday and Friday must be supplemented with meat or fish.

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Fourth – the final week of the diet will allow you to gradually adapt the body to the principles of a healthy diet, as the diet becomes more varied and the portions increase noticeably.

For example, during one of the days you can eat about 200 g of canned tuna, no more than 400 g of boiled chicken meat, supplementing the menu with vegetables and fruits. On other days, your table may include lean fish, cottage cheese and dried whole grain bread.

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It should be noted that even if you, having gathered your will into a fist, withstood all the restrictions prescribed by the chemical diet, you should not relax and arrange a grand feast of forbidden foods. This behavior – a sure way to a new, even more active weight gain.

A strict diet can only be effective if you are determined to radically change your approach to nutrition by limiting your intake of fats and simple carbohydrates. Do not forget about physical activity, they will provide you with harmony and excellent health.
Look for more interesting information on the website estet-portal.com.

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