Cortisol, estrogen, insulin – hormones that normally regulate various processes and systems in our body. However, sometimes there are failures that not only lead to poor health. If the problem is not dealt with, it is fraught with diseases that will have to be seriously treated. Not the last role in hormonal disorders is played by our diet. Therefore, you can adjust the level of hormones with the help of certain products.
The editors of will tell you about what you need to eat in order for these three hormones to return to normal and your health to return to normal.
- Cortisol: how to recognize and treat this master hormone
- High Insulin: How to Fix it with Nutrition
- Estrogen: how to normalize the level of one of the major hormones
Cortisol: how to recognize and treat this main hormone
Cortisol is considered the "stress hormone" because it is produced in response to stressful situations. It is produced by the adrenal glands, which are the first to react to a potential danger to the body. Sometimes there is an increased level of cortisol – that is, the body is in "combat readiness"; almost always. The result of this can be an increase in blood sugar, high blood pressure, depression, acceleration of the skin aging process. The body seems to wear out.
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How to tell if your cortisol levels are high:
- you find it difficult to lose weight, especially around the waist;
- mood changes frequently or predominantly depressed;
- poorly controlled outbursts of rage;
- problems with sleep and relaxation in general;
- skin and nail problems;
- high blood pressure and/or high blood sugar;
- poor concentration;
- low libido;
- constantly want to eat salty food or vice versa – sweet.
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This problem can be solved by feeding – including. So, you need to lean on extra-dark chocolate – containing at least 70% cocoa beans. Eat sea fish and seafood. They are rich in valuable trace elements necessary for the functioning of our
The hormone insulin is responsible for the level of glucose in the blood. Problems with it arise in case of resistance – when the cells of the body become unresponsive to the hormone. At the same time, glucose rises to a pre-diabetic state.
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cravings for sweets increase;
saturation problems – it is difficult to stop eating, you constantly want something high-calorie; feeling irritable and restless;
body mass index rises to 25 or more;
Women's waist measurement – 89 cm and more, for men – 102 or more;
irregular menses, skin rashes;
high blood pressure.-
You need to get tested first to confirm if there really is a problem. If you find it, lean on fermented foods – sauerkraut, kimchi and other vegetables prepared in a similar way. They help reduce - glucose levels.
Estrogen: how to normalize the level of one of the main hormones Estrogen – a sex hormone, an increased level of which has the same negative effect on the body as a lower one. You can recognize the problem by the following signs:
swelling of the body;
- bloating;
during menstruation there is heavy bleeding (there may be discharge on other days of the cycle);
rapid weight gain;
breast increased in size;
painful periods;
mood swings – irritability, tearfulness, anxiety;
- You can correct the level of this hormone by including cauliflower, kale, broccoli in your diet. These foods help block estrogen, and the presence of fiber is needed to remove it from the body.
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