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Some women easily become pregnant and give birth to children, the second experience difficulties in this matter, and the third cannot have offspring at all.

The reason for the last two factors lies in the low fertility. In order to increase the chances of conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a child, you need to reconsider your diet. After all, what we eat affects our hormones, cells, as well as all other systems and organs.

A good diet, developed by experts, improves fertility and prepares a woman's body for conceiving a baby.

What products does it include, figured out estet-portal.com.

What causes female and male fertility to decline

There are many reasons for the decline in both female and male fertility. The main "culprit" a decrease in the ability to fertilize is considered an unhealthy lifestyle, that is, the use of a huge amount of harmful fats and alcoholic beverages, lack of fluid, deficiency of useful vitamins and minerals, smoking and other bad habits.


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The following health problems also lead to reduced fertility:

•    Overweight – provokes hormonal imbalance.

•    Diabetes – leads to improper production of hormones.

•    Stress – studies have shown that women who are nervous about ovulation are 40% less likely to get pregnant. As for men, if they experience constant emotional stress, the quality of sperm deteriorates. Thus, there are fewer spermatozoa, and their mobility decreases.

•    Injury, infection or inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system – lead to impaired reproductive functions.

•    Endometriosis – due to the growth of the internal mucous membrane of the uterus and its spread to the ovaries, ovulation may not occur.

•    Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland – like diabetes, leads to improper production of hormones.

•    Abortion, surgery or other intrauterine intervention – because of this, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced, or even infertility occurs.

•    Immune system disorders – lead to rejection of spermatozoa by the body of a woman.

•    Overheating of male testicles – disrupts the development of male germ cells.

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Reduced fertility – this is not a sentence. You can still increase it if you eliminate the causes that led to this problem, as well as reconsider your diet.
Below, we will look at the foods that you need to eat to increase the chances of conceiving the long-awaited child.

Vegetables and fruits – source of substances useful for the reproductive system

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Fruits and vegetables are a must for those who want to conceive a child. Indeed, in addition to vitamins and minerals, they contain antioxidants and phytochemical elements.

But they regulate the work of the reproductive system and improve health in general. Favor bright fruits and vegetables: red peppers, cabbage, and blueberries.

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The brighter the gifts of nature, the more they are saturated with useful substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system.

Muscat squash – a vegetable that contains beta-carotene. But it helps to increase the production of the hormone progesterone. In addition, data from one study published in the medical journal Fertility suggests that this product improves sperm quality.

Avocado is very useful for the female body. This fruit contains a lot of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins that have a positive effect on health, skin, hair and nails.

Vitamin E has been scientifically proven to improve endometrial health. After fertilization of the egg occurs, the avocado helps with the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall.

And folic acid, which is found in an exotic fruit, contributes to the normal development of a child in the womb.

Another vegetable that improves both female and male fertility is asparagus, rich in vitamin C and folic acid.

Pay attention to iron-rich foods

Make sure you get enough iron before you get pregnant, especially if your periods are irregular and heavy.

After all, if you experience a lack of this important element at the beginning of pregnancy, postpartum anemia may develop. It makes itself felt in 27% of young mothers.

Thus, think about your iron stores in advance so that a child who requires a lot of minerals for his development gets what he needs.

A huge amount of iron is found in the following products:

•    red meat: beef liver, veal, beef;
•    spinach;
•    chickpeas;
•    lentils;
•    tomato juice.

And if you don't like red meat or don't eat meat at all, replace this product with multivitamins with iron.

Eat protein foods in moderation

Protein is needed by the body in the same way as vitamins. After all, it is a building material for muscles and other tissues. But they shouldn't get carried away. After all, an excess of protein leads to the accumulation of its cleavage products in the female genital organs. But this is an obstacle to fertilization.

Therefore, if you plan to become pregnant in the near future, do not get carried away with protein diets. It is better to consume 2-4 servings of 100 grams of protein per day. Give preference to lean meats, fish, nuts and legumes.

Specialists from the American Pregnancy Association state that the optimal duration of a diet for fertility is between 3 months and 1 year.

From fish it is recommended to eat salmon, tuna and catfish, as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is these fats that help women with infertility.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), such fish should be eaten up to 300 grams per week.

But what fish you should not eat is fresh or frozen perch, orange Australian ruff, king mackerel, and canned white tuna, as there is most of the mercury. But it has a bad effect on the development of future baby.

Improving Male Fertility: What Should Future Dads Eat

As for men, their nutrition should be given no less attention than women's nutrition. After all, the quality of his sperm depends on what the representative of the strong half of humanity eats.

In order to conceive a child, it is useful for men to eat bee pollen, as it improves the functions of the reproductive system.

Brazil nuts are also very useful. They contain selenium, which improves sperm motility.


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It is also recommended to eat beets. The fact is that it contains B9, which reduces fatigue and increases sperm count.

Increase male or female fertility – not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.
Eat the foods we talked about today in this article.

Also keep a healthy lifestyle. Completely eliminate the use of alcohol, smoking and other bad habits that interfere with normal fertilization and adversely affect the development of the unborn child.

By adhering to these simple recommendations, the cherished two stripes on a pregnancy test will not keep you waiting long, the “interesting period” itself will be successful, and a healthy baby will be born.

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