Интересные факты: губная помада - вред и польза

Lipstick — one of the tools that help a woman look more spectacular and attractive. In addition, it serves as a lip moisturizer and even protects it from external influences. Probably no one thought about the fact that modern lipsticks can have some kind of negative impact. After all, now, the compositions of these cosmetics are overflowing with natural nutritional components and dyes that do not cause damage. When lipsticks first began to be made, they may have contained various chemicals to achieve the brightness and durability of the product. But not with modern technologies!

The editors of estet-portal decided to figure out what is the harm of lipsticks and what are their benefits.

History of the forerunner of modern lipstick

Lipstick — it is the first cosmetic product invented by man. Its history begins 4000 years ago, when the ancient Egyptians made it from beeswax and animal fat, adding red pigments. 

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From the Egyptians, the use of lipstick passed over to the Greeks. But in medieval Europe, lipstick was not used, as it was another reason to convict a woman of witchcraft. Therefore, it began to be actively used only starting from the Renaissance. But the real prototype of modern lipstick appeared only in 1903. Then at an exhibition in Amsterdam, lipstick made on the basis of reindeer fat made a splash. But the usual tube for lipstick was created by the French. By the way, it is from the French word «pomme» - an apple, and the term "lipstick" originated.

The harm and benefits of lipstick Your lips can be damaged by cheap lipstick. Since often, in inexpensive lipsticks — low-quality chemical composition. Some of the components of such lipsticks can lead to burning, itching and inflammation and accelerate the aging process of the skin. Vaseline, which is used to soften the skin, can also have a negative effect and dry out the skin of the cube. Paraffins and microcrystalline wax, which are added to some lipsticks, are created from petroleum products. When ingested, these substances can affect the kidneys, liver, lymph nodes and other organs.

If a lipstick is of good quality and free from harmful chemicals, it can be a great way to moisturize and protect your lips. Nutrient components are added to natural lipsticks, which perfectly protect lips

from cracks.

How to distinguish a quality product from a poor quality one

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Quality lipstick
should be made exclusively from natural ingredients. The composition should contain only natural wax: bees, candelilla, carnauba. Bee — connects the components. Candelilla — provides radiance, carnauba — moisturizes. If in the composition instead of wax — synthetic substance, such a product should be used with care.  

Quality lipstick applies evenly and stays on the lips well. It does not tighten the skin and does not spread, it has a silky effect. Good lipstick does not melt in the sun and does not irritate the lips.

Black lipstick: 10 tips for a daring look

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Lipstick — This is the cosmetic product that every woman has in her purse. We use it as a means of protection against external factors, as a lip moisturizer. And this is very important, because the lips have almost no sebaceous glands, so external exposure is very dangerous for them.

Top 8 Ways to Use Lipstick


lipstick is a tool that gives our lips brightness and which girls often use in makeup
. Only when choosing lipstick, it is necessary to pay attention to its composition, whether it contains chemicals that can adversely affect the body.
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