Интересные факты о мышцах, которые поражают своей силой

The muscle tissue in the human body can contract and relax under the influence of nerve impulses coming from the brain. Any movement that our body makes is due to muscle contraction. Blinking, speaking, raising an arm or leg, turning the torso or head, walking – all these body movements are possible thanks to the muscles.

Scientists have been researching interesting facts about muscles for decades, many scientific papers have been written that study the coordination of movements, the work of each muscle separately, the interdependence of the musculoskeletal system and muscles, and other issues related to muscles. Estet-portal.com will open 10 interesting and entertaining facts about muscles.

Interesting facts about the muscles in the human body

There are 640-850 muscles in the human body. The amount depends on the developed muscle tissue. During a kiss, about 34 facial muscles work. Smiling uses 17 muscles.

If a person cries – approximately 40 muscles work. When a person walks at an unhurried, measured step, 200 muscles are involved.

Adipose tissue is smaller in weight and not as dense as muscle tissue. This explains the difference in weight between a beefy person and just a full one. A beefy man can weigh more than an unathletic, overweight man of the same height.

The body is on average 40% muscle.

These interesting facts about muscles reveal the importance of keeping muscles in proper shape.

Determining the leader: which muscle is leading

The heart is the most hardy muscle of the human body.

The shortest muscle – stapes: needed to tighten the eardrum in the ear. Its length is only 1.27 millimeters.

Tailoring – considered to be the the longest muscle in the human.


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As for speed, the fastest – it is the blinking muscle of the eye.

Sometimes the tongue is considered to be a strong muscle. Although many scientists refute this opinion, because the tongue consists of several types of muscles. The chewing muscles are among the strongest – pressure force can reach up to 100 kg. Also, the calf and gluteal muscles are considered powerful muscles.

Learn: "38 Facts About Human Eyes"

Which muscles of the human body recover faster

Each muscle in the body develops, grows, functions in its own way, is responsible for its own set of actions. Therefore, it requires distinctive methods for training and different times for recovery. Less time for rest and recovery is required for triceps, and most of the time – back muscles.

Growth of muscle tissue occurs due to a strong load and relaxation.

Therefore, it is impossible to constantly load the muscles, leaving them without rest. On average, muscles fully recover after 48 hours of rest and 8 hours of good sleep.

Which muscle of the human body is the most enduring

Endurance refers to the ability of muscle tissue to maintain its performance for a long time. As we have already mentioned, the heart is the most enduring muscle. Scientists have calculated that the average human heart can work for at least 100 years. When muscles run out of glycogen stores, tissues begin to "get tired", become flabby and lose their ability to contract.

Another reason for the loss of endurance is calcium overload in the muscles.

See also: 6 reasons to do morning exercises

How human muscles depend on emotions

Scientists have found that muscles on the face of a person are tightly connected with emotions. Psychiatrist Ivan Sikorsky pointed to the relationship between facial muscles and emotions. He made a map of expressions on the face: the muscles near the eyes are responsible for the manifestation of mental work, and the muscles of the mouth – for acts of will.

As for feelings – all facial muscles are used to express emotions.

Scientists managed to prove in 2011 that a child in the intrauterine environment is able to move facial muscles: smile, raise eyebrows (surprise), frown (when you don’t like something).

Genetic memory of the muscles of the human body

It turns out that during muscle training a person's genes change. With each training session, information remains in the genes, which is activated and brings the muscles into "combat readiness" for the following loads. To prove their point, Aarhus University researchers studied 20 participants in the experiment.

See also: "Total Recall: Muscle Memory and Its Amazing Powers"

After a 20-minute workout on exercise bikes, a muscle biopsy was taken – quadriceps. This was done in order to study the performance of genes after training. The results proved that training activates the genes responsible for muscle. Scientists explained this by the fact that the genetic code is stored in cells through methyl groups. If these groups are removed, the information space of the gene will consist of proteins and enzymes that cause calorie burning and muscle building.


After the experiment, the number of methyl groups decreased in the volunteers. Thus, the muscles adapted to the increased metabolism.

Telepathy through muscle movement

Muscle contractions do not always occur under the sensitive control of consciousness. Most often, thoughts are displayed on the face – this allows a knowledgeable person to know what the interlocutor is really thinking. The famous telepath Wolf Messing explained his abilities not as a "gift from heaven", but as knowledge of the subtle work of human facial muscles. And he called his predictions – "muscle reading".

What will tell about a person long palmar muscle

One in six people have a long palmar muscle. This muscle in animals is responsible for the release of claws. Since a person does not have such an ability, accordingly, he does not use it. These palmar muscles are used during transplantation as an additional material for fiber grafting.

What is the connection between chocolate and the muscles of the human body

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Natural dark chocolate is considered the most beneficial for the brain, heart and muscles. An experiment at Wayne State University (Detroit) revealed the enormous effect of epicatechin (a substance in chocolate) on the growth of mitochondria (cells that generate energy) in muscles.

The fragility of the muscles of the human body

Muscle fibers can be burned, just like fat. Especially this process is activated after 40 years – by 2-3%. And after 60 years, a person begins to lose about 5% of muscle tissue. Therefore, both in young and in adulthood, physical activity is important for maintaining health and well-being.

Interesting facts about muscles once again confirm that physical activity is essential for a person to prevent the burning of muscle fibers, to ensure the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

It will be interesting to know: "38 facts about the human body"

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