Psychologists and physicists have proven that the power of thought affects human health. So, with the help of only desire and self-hypnosis, you can develop a disease in your body and vice versa – heal him. In addition, the same power of thought is able to influence the course of fate. Sooner or later, a passionate desire will lead to its fulfillment. A similar thought was also mentioned in the Bible: the power of thought can move mountains. How exactly to activate and release this amazing power?
For a desired thought to become a reality, it is necessary to meditate. In the understanding of many people meditation should take place in the lotus position. But, this is by no means the case. It is not necessary to spend time on yoga classes in order to meditate. There are many other ways, but before analyzing them, it is worth defining what exactly is meditation? How to meditate properly?
Meditation – it is the concentration of thought on a particular object. If it is aimed at the realization of any good or event, it is necessary to present its embodiment. While meditating, you need to clearly see and literally feel this event, the surrounding noise and atmosphere, feel its smell, taste, texture by touch. This thought must be kept in mind and clearly presented. In addition, you need to feel the energy inside your body and direct it towards the fulfillment of your desire.
If the object of meditation is health, it is necessary to act somewhat differently. In addition to a clear imagination of how the desired treatment takes place, it is necessary to give the body a set for recovery. To do this, you need to feel the organ affected by the disease: its shape, the focus of pain, the impulses that pass through it. After that, you need to direct your energy to the restoration of this part of the body and imagine how the disease passes, tissues and functions are restored.
Methods for Modern Meditation
In our rapidly developing and active environment, it is sometimes not easy to find time for solitude in your thoughts. In fact, it is quite possible to meditate while continuing your activity. The process of self-programming or, in other words, meditation can take place during a walk, playing sports, driving to work, taking a bath, eating, etc. Everyone can find their own individual ways.
Highlights – keep your focus on the right thought. At first it will seem difficult, but over time this process will become more easy and efficient.
Take care of the health of your thoughts, the health of your body depends on it! will help you with this.
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