Children's routines and habits, including housework and other responsibilities, are usually established by age 9 and no longer change significantly. For most children, by the third grade, the concept of what he needs to do and what – no. In the course of this study, American experts interviewed about 50,000 families. 

Therefore, psychologists recommend teaching a child to order from an early age. Many parents try to prolong the happy childhood of their children as much as possible, explaining that in the future they will have to sip more adult life, so let them rest when they have time.  Of course, the good intentions of parents can be understood. In addition, parents are afraid to entrust their child with certain household chores because they are worried about the safety of their children or that the child will be upset if something does not work out. 

However, it must be understood that – it is an integral part of any learning process. And saying "I don't want my child to be upset by failure" – it's like saying "I don't want my child to go to school". Both children and adults learn from mistakes. Therefore, do not be afraid to gradually teach your child to be independent and responsible. 

Child's household chores – it is an integral part of education and the formation of independence and responsibility. And so that parents can navigate at what age and what the child should be able to do on their own, as well as how to properly teach the child to order and independence, psychologists recommend using the scheme below. 


For children of this age, parents present the concept of joint responsibility for maintaining order in the house and taking care of themselves. At this age for children, cleaning – It's a game. Don't forget to praise your child for a job well done. What you need to teach a preschool child: 

  • put away toys; 
  • to choose clothes on your own (from the options you suggested); 
  • help clear the table; 
  • brush your teeth; 
  • set the table; 
  • wipe dust; 
  • make your bed. 

5 – 7 years 

Do not criticize the child for not doing a perfect job and do not force him to redo what he did not quite the way you would like it to be. Remember that in the process of learning skills are improved, and it is not criticism that contributes to this, but praise. What you need to teach a child 5 – 7 years old: 

  • set the table; 
  • clear the table after eating; 
  • sort dirty clothes (white and colored items separately); 
  • get books and notebooks out of the backpack;  throw trash out of backpack; 
  • get dressed (parents help with complicated buttons and laces). 

Grade 1 

This time is very important for the child to learn through trial and error. What a child should be able to do in first grade:  in the evening to choose your clothes; & nbsp; fully dress yourself;  neatly make the bed; & nbsp; get ready for school before breakfast;  take out the trash;  dust your room;  collect your own backpack to school; & nbsp; put clothes in the closet on their own (under the guidance of parents).

2 class 

  • preparing a simple breakfast; 
  • determine the time using a regular clock; 
  • assembly and disassembly of the backpack on your own; 
  • wash the dishes; 
  • vacuuming and dusting several rooms; 
  • use the microwave. 

Grade 3 

  • write a list of required products; 
  • cook simple meals for the family (like scrambled eggs); 
  • clean out the closet by yourself; 
  • know what he needs for school and buy some items on his own. 

To teach a child to be independent is not so difficult. Main – start doing this at the appropriate age and support the child in every possible way, do not overload him and explain in an accessible form that you simply need his help in doing household chores. 


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