Как похудеть без диет: 10 главных правил здорового питания

"Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are!" In the era of a healthy lifestyle, fitness girls and bodybuilders, it is important for an ordinary person not to overdo it in pursuit of their ideal. For a long time, nutritionists have been convincing their clients that they should not resort to "hungry" diets. diets and restrict yourself in all goodies. But, of course, do not forget about the importance of a healthy diet. By adhering to certain rules, you will be able not only to lose weight, but also cleanse your body of harmful factors.

The editors of estet-portal have formed 10 most important rules for healthy eating for you.

We follow the list of healthy eating rules: our top 10

Don't go hungry!

But chewing on something all the time isn't healthy either. The well-known rule of three meals a day does not fit into the rules of a healthy diet. If you do not feed the body for 5 hours, the metabolism slows down, after which the body begins to save energy. And as a result — unwanted fat accumulation is collected. Therefore, nutritionists are advised to draw up a regimen of meals. It is necessary to provide the body with nutrients every 2-3 hours. Then you will feel full and your body will thank you.

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If your goal is — to lose a couple of extra pounds, you should carefully select the foods of the diet. Experts advise eating carbohydrates in the morning: cereals, vegetables, fruits, honey. They will saturate your body with useful energy substances and help you wake up faster. In the afternoon, it is worth limiting the intake of carbohydrates and eating protein foods. These include: meat, fish, dairy products. This is another important aspect of a healthy diet.

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Drink water

They say you shouldn't drink less than 1.5 — 2 liters of water per day. The World Health Organization has calculated that the required amount of water for a person — 30 ml per kilogram of weight. That is, for example, a person with a weight of 65 kg needs to drink 1 liter, 950 milliliters of water per day. But it is important to remember that coffee, tea, juices and other drinks do not replace water.

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Eat fruits and vegetables

Try to eat fruits and vegetables daily. This rule of healthy eating will help the most important thing. Since fruits and vegetables are indispensable sources of vitamins, minerals, starchy carbohydrates, organic acids and dietary fiber. With these foods, your body receives soluble and insoluble fiber. While there is an opportunity to eat seasonal vegetables and fruits, it is worth replenishing the reserves of important substances. Since the winter vegetables and fruits that we buy in supermarkets are brought from far away or grown in greenhouses, due to the treatment with chemicals, they lose their positive properties, and sometimes, they can even have a bad effect on consumers.

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Less salt

contains two trace elements — sodium and chlorine. An excess of these substances in the body leads to edema, increased pressure, dry skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, you should try to gradually reduce salt intake, but you do not need to completely abandon it. Also, if you follow the rules of a healthy diet, you can replace the usual table salt with sea salt. It contains much more useful trace elements (in ordinary salt from 2, and in sea salt - 90!) And it is much more valuable for the body.

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Cook the Right Way
Minimum Cooking — guarantee of a healthy diet. This will help you keep all the useful tools and the integrity of the structure of the products. For example, pasta or cereals should only be cooked for a few minutes. By the way, just slightly undercooked pasta, poured with vegetable oil — a real italian pasta recipe. Meat and fish must be cooked, but you should not fry these products in oil. Optimal cooking options — baking in the oven, steaming or boiling.

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Stopping Fast Food
Agree, sometimes you really want to eat burger or fries. But fast food — it is a source of fast carbohydrates that adversely affect the body. If you often use such products, the risk of developing gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and other digestive diseases increases. Moreover, the use of fast food will leave its mark on your figure, and it is unlikely to please you. The best solution — avoiding fast food and following the rules of a healthy diet.

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Less sweets
Cakes, pastries, chocolate, pies and rolls — sounds delicious. Yes, these foods are sources of energy, but you will find few nutrients in them. Sweets and sugar quickly raise the level of glucose in the blood, but just as quickly there is a decrease and a feeling of hunger appears. These are the foods that you should eat very carefully, or even eliminate from your diet. Moreover, now there are many alternatives. Following the rules of a healthy diet, many confectioners began to cook "healthy" sweets, in which there are many more useful elements and they are no less tasty than desserts familiar to everyone.

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The Importance of Milk
Milk — a product with which you also need to be careful. It should not be consumed in large quantities. But it is real milk and dairy products that contain many nutrients, and they are also rich in protein and calcium. Dietitians recommend eating low-fat dairy products. In this way, you will be able to provide your body with the necessary amount of calcium and maintain a low fat intake. Moreover, cottage cheese or yogurts will be a great option for a snack.

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Meat or fish

Meat and fish are among the most important foods for humans. Legumes, nuts, as well as meat, poultry, fish and eggs – important sources of protein. Preference should be given to lean meats, remove visible fat before cooking. But the consumption of various meat products, like sausages and sausages, should be limited.

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It is also not worth consuming meat and fish in large portions. Excess red meat can also be bad for

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If you still doubt whether you have enough fortitude to start eating right, then you should not hesitate for a second. The rules of healthy eating, in fact, are not so difficult to implement. Just don't slash off the shoulder. Gradually forming your diet, you will find not only healthy, but also be able to forget about excess weight. You will have a lot of energy and unhealthy symptoms will disappear. Just start small and you'll be fine.

Eat right and tasty together estet-portal.com!
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