Often nothing comes out of everything that was planned for the day, in the end everything is postponed “ for tomorrow”, then “for the day after tomorrow” and so on. Can you imagine how many times the efficiency would increase if all cases were completed on time, on schedule and with a minimum expenditure of time? There are many different methods of organizing the day – from the nine-deed rule to the recommendation to repeat the word “done” regularly. The authorship of the most accurate technique belongs to Peter Bregman, who claims that it is possible to effectively manage time in just 18 minutes.

Do you want to be a great leader? Then get ready to be a bad leader for quite some time. Because you will become great only through practice!

How to manage your time: 18 minutes to reach your goal

The book tells you how to reach your goal using the 18 minute rule:
1. You have to want to achieve it.
2. One must believe that it is possible to achieve the goal.
3. Attempts to achieve the goal should be fun, because they are the ones – it is a daily work and activity that needs to be honed before professionalism is achieved.

The 18 minute rule consists of three steps:

Stage I – 5 minutes early in the day. At this time, you need to distribute all the affairs for the whole day and manage your time wisely. Particular attention should be paid to those cases that were delayed in the to-do list for more than 3 days – it's probably time for them to disappear from the list.

Stage II – 1 minute every hour. Bregman called it “refocusing”. You should set notifications to fire every time, and when you hear a signal, think about how efficient you were in the previous hour and allocate your time, think about how you can improve your productivity.

Stage III – 5 minutes at the end of the day. During this period, it is time to answer three questions: "How was your day", "What did I learn today?", "Who did I work with?". Thanks to the constant control of your schedule, you will be more aware of how correctly you managed to allocate time and whether you are using it efficiently enough.

To reach your goal, don't plan too many things, because then it will be difficult to accomplish at least something. Main – start, first start doing one thing, then – next and so on.

Unfortunate perfectionism can also become an obstacle to achieving goals. Because of him, you want to do everything at once and perfectly, without making mistakes. But it is better to be content with small – it is impossible to get everything at once, so it is important to be patient and systematically go towards your goal.

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