Often we do not know what causes certain diseases that bother us. Who would have thought that the problem of the bones in the legs is associated with levels uric acid in the blood.

Let's figure out what iswhat is uric acid and where does it accumulate? What are the reasons for the increase in its level in human blood? How to diagnose this disease? Is it possible and how to reduce the amount of acid at home by controlling the diet, lifestyle? & nbsp; Exploring with estet-portal.com.

Why do uric acid levels rise

Uric acid – it is a metabolic product in the body during the breakdown of purines. It goes to the kidneys & nbsp; through the blood and excreted by the urinary system.  If you abuse foods containing purines, its level rises. People who are prone to high levels of uric acid should avoid foods high in these substances.

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We avoid these products: 

  • Pulses (peas, beans, asparagus);

  • Liver (pork, chicken, beef);

  • Mushrooms;

  • Beer;

  • Anchovies;

  • Sausages;

  • Salts, smoked meats;

  • Meat broths;

  • Spicy sauces.

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There are many more reasons that lead to an increase in the coefficient of uric acid level:

  • Kidney disease (the body cannot cope with the excretion of acid, blockage occurs);

  • Presence of chronic endocrine diseases (liver cirrhosis, psoriasis, hypothyroidism, Down syndrome, Lesch-Nychen syndrome, etc.);

  • Certain drugs (aspirin, diuretics, antibiotics, antineoplastics, corticosteroids);

  • Lifestyle (abrupt transitions to fasting, increased training, high fructose consumption).

What diseases occur with elevated levels of uric acid

If an imbalance appears in the body, this invariably leads to the emergence of a number of diseases. In the case of an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood, these are:

  • Gout;

  • Arthritis, arthrosis;

  • Urolithiasis.

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How to avoid high uric acid levels 

Drink more water

Drinking plenty of fluids helps the kidneys flush out uric acid more quickly. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. 

Avoid alcohol

Drinking alcohol can make you more dehydrated. It can also cause high uric acid levels. This is because your kidneys must first filter out the products that appear in the blood due to alcohol instead of uric acid and other waste products.

Some types of alcoholic beverages, such as beer, are also high in purines.

Take care of your diet

Along with your diet, extra pounds can raise your uric acid levels. Fat cells produce more uric acid than muscle cells. In addition, "carrying" extra pounds makes it difficult for the kidneys to filter uric acid. Losing weight too quickly can also affect levels.

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If you are overweight, it is best to avoid fad diets and crash diets. Talk to a nutritionist about a healthy diet and weight loss plan that you can follow. Your doctor can recommend a healthy weight for your body type.

Keep your insulin levels in check

Check your blood sugar when you visit your doctor. This is important even if you don't have diabetes.
Adults with type 2 diabetes may have too much insulin in their blood. This hormone is needed to move sugar from your blood to your cells, where it can power all bodily functions. However, too much insulin leads to excess uric acid in the body as well as weight gain.

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Add more fiber to your diet

Eating more fiber will help your body get rid of uric acid. Fiber also helps balance blood sugar and insulin levels. It also tends to increase satiety, helping to reduce the risk of overeating. , such as:

fresh, frozen or dried fruit

  • fresh or frozen vegetables

  • oats

  • nuts

  • barley
  • Reduce Stress

Stress, bad habits, and too little exercise can increase inflammation. Inflammation can cause high levels of uric acid.

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Practice techniques such as breathing exercises and yoga to manage your stress levels.

Observe sleep rules such as:

avoid digital screens two to three hours before bedtime

  • sleep and wake up at the same time every day

  • avoid caffeine after dinner
  • Talk to your doctor if you have insomnia or trouble sleeping.

Check your medications and supplements

Some medications and supplements can also cause uric acid to build up in the blood. They include:


  • vitamin B-3 (niacin)

  • diuretics

  • immune suppressing drugs

  • chemotherapeutic drugs

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Take all prescribed medications as directed by your doctor. The right combination of diet, exercise, and medication can help
avoid high uric acid levels. 

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