Как вывести лишнюю воду из организма и не допускать ее накапливания

In order to establish a water-salt balance and to cope with edema, you need to know how to remove excess water from the body. When the human body lacks water, it retains salts, and salts — water. As a result, edema appears, which leads to excess weight. If you want to lose weight, then you need to get rid of not only fat, but and excess water . Diets on edema do not work in any way, only the removal of excess water from the body can help.

Causes of edema and 10 ways to remove excess water from the body

Swelling — this is an excessive accumulation of water in tissues and in internal organs. From  in the morning you may see swelling of the face, and in the evening notice swelling on the body. This can signal both a violation of the water-salt balance, and a disease. Before we tell you how to remove excess water from the body, let's look at the causes of edema.

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Signs of swelling

  • Bags under the eyes

  • Increase in ankle and wrists

  • Shoes get tight in the evening

  • Loose skin

  • Cellulite

  • Weight gain per day

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The causes of edema, which you should pay attention to in the first place

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. To remove excess water, muscle contraction is necessary. A sedentary lifestyle can also cause kidney problems as it compresses the sciatic nerve.

  2. Bad diet, unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of fatty and salty foods, alcohol.

  3. Lack of water. Sweetened tea, coffee, sodas and  juices do not count. If the body does not receive enough water, then it begins to make its reserves, which causes swelling.

  4. Edema may indicate a impaired kidney function. The kidneys remove excess moisture from the body and purify the blood. Edema — the first sign of failure in their work.

  5. Swelling in legs may be indicative of heart problems.

  6. When

    problems with the thyroid gland, fluid also accumulates.

The doctor will help determine the actual cause of the appearance of edema. In case of serious diseases, they go along with a general deterioration in well-being, weakness, fatigue, vomiting, and high blood pressure. But even simple swellings should not be ignored, as they speak of a violation of the water-salt balance and lead to excess weight.

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In the absence of chronic diseases, you can remove excess water and lose weight on your own. Remember that extra pounds arise not only from fat, but from excess water. Therefore, the main emphasis is on the transition to a healthy diet and physical activity. It will not only reduce your weight, but and will add vitality and energy.

10 ways to remove excess fluid from the body

  1. Switching to  balanced nutrition. You will have to give up fatty, salty, fried foods and  reduce the use of baked goods. The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, cereals (especially buckwheat and oatmeal), lean meat. It is also worth adding cottage cheese, fermented milk products and eggs.

  2. Drink plenty of water. On day you should drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water. In no case should you reduce the amount of water, this is one of the main causes of edema. Distribute the volume of water for day and drink it in fractions. But before going to bed, it is better not to drink water approximately 1-2 hours in advance. In the evening, you can afford a glass of kefir.

  3. Active exercise. Aerobics or yoga is preferred, but any sport and hiking will do. If you have a sedentary job, take 15 minutes breaks for office exercises (simple squats, bends, backbends, running in place). In the evening, sign up for a gym or use every opportunity to walk.

  4. Drink tea and coffee without sugar and milk.This will also help to remove water from the body. It is best to drink green tea.

  5. Drink herbal infusions. For example, lemon balm, lingonberries, dill seeds, rose hips are good for removing liquid.

  6. A visit to a sauna or a bath, warm salt baths at home will help normalize the water-salt balance.

  7. You can't refuse salt.The balance of salt and water in the body is important, so use salt in recommended norms — 6 grams (teaspoon) per day.

  8. Sign up for massage. It not only relaxes, but and improves blood circulation.

  9. Regularly do a contrast shower
  10. , which strengthens the immune system and treats swelling.

  11. Take B vitamins and magnesium
  12. , which will cause water to accumulate more quickly if deficient. But check with your doctor first. An excess of vitamins also provokes complications, as well as their lack.

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How to prevent fluid accumulation in the body: methods of prevention

Fluid retention is indicated by facial swelling, edema, and excess weight. To avoid this, you need to follow simple preventive measures. This is necessary not only for those who suffer from edema, but also for healthy people. Stress and the  fast pace of life often lead to  disturbance of the water-salt balance and other serious consequences.

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Recommendations to help avoid the accumulation of water in the body

Avoid stress and worries, lead an active lifestyle and be sure to rest.
  1. Pay attention to physical activity, warm up during the day during sedentary work.
  2. Remove mayonnaise, fast food, convenience foods and smoked meats from your diet.
  3. Change to a healthy diet and reduce your alcohol consumption to minimum.
  4. Get in the habit of going to the sauna regularly.
  5. Take care of your health, avoid hypothermia of the kidneys, treat chronic diseases in time. Don carry illness on your legs.
  6. Don't forget to drink water. Norma — 1.5 liters a day.
  7. Do not follow strict diets and do do take diuretics without consulting doctor. This can lead to dehydration.
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