Irregular periods – this is a serious hindrance for those who want to become a mother. Indeed, with such a delicate problem, it is impossible to predict conception and even become pregnant.
According to gynecologists, an irregular menstrual cycle occurs in every 4th woman aged 22 to 39.
Many of the fair sex, who have found the irregularity of "critical days", ask the question: "Is it possible to get pregnant, if the cycle is broken?" The answer to this question – yes, it is quite possible.
How to increase the chances of conceiving a child, the Internet edition will tell you.
1. Irregular periods: what is it connected with
2. Irregular periods: how to increase the chances of becoming a mother
Irregular periods: what is it for
Let's start with the fact that menstruation – it is a natural process of the female body. It is he who prepares to conceive a baby. Over the course of a month, the uterus builds up a new layer of endometrium – internal mucosa. This is necessary for the fertilized egg to successfully attach to the wall of the uterus.
But if the egg is not fertilized, it means that it does not enter the uterus and is rejected along with the endometrium. Menstruation is coming. Usually it lasts 4-5 days. But this process can be different for every woman. Some menstruation lasts 2 days, while others – 7 days or more.
As for the menstrual cycle, in women of reproductive age it averages 28-29 days. But it can be irregular.
If this is found in adolescence, that is, before the age of 16-17, then there is no need to worry. During this period, abundant, painful and prolonged bleeding is considered the norm. After all, the formation of the hormonal system is taking place.
The menstrual cycle becomes stable closer to 19-20 years. It is during this period that the girl's body is ready to conceive a child.
If during reproductive age there are fluctuations in menstrual cycle for 1-3 days, there is no cause for concern. But if there are deviations for 5-7 days, or even more, then something is wrong with the body. But with irregular periods, the chances of conceiving a child are minimized.
What causes the cycle to break?
Specialists identify several main reasons:
• dramatic weight loss – in order to get pregnant, you need to have an optimal weight. But if a woman is starving or malnourished, the body reacts to this and "signals" that conditions are unfavorable for pregnancy;
• obesity – Being overweight often leads to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). With this disease, a woman has many eggs that do not leave the ovaries. As a result, a layer of the endometrium builds up through estrogen. Irregular periods in this case are dangerous because when the uterus can no longer withstand the accumulated layers of the mucosa, severe bleeding occurs, which can last for a whole month;
Hormonal disruption – most common cause of irregular cycles. With this problem, an increase in estrogen levels occurs. This leads to the fact that the endometrium grows too much, as a result of which ovulation is disrupted.
• diseases of the female reproductive system: endometriosis, ovarian tumors, cysts, and so on;
• previous miscarriage, abortion, or curettage;
• starting or stopping oral contraceptives;
• change of climatic conditions;
• decreased immunity;
• colds, flu;
• chronic sleep deprivation;
• stress;
• depression;
• overwork;
• smoking, alcohol abuse and other bad habits.
Because of the intermittent «critical days» planning a pregnancy is extremely difficult. But do not be upset: even with irregular periods, you can conceive a long-awaited child. Although it will take more time.
Below we will consider what needs to be done so that the cherished two stripes appear on the pregnancy test.
Irregular periods: how to increase your chances of becoming a mother
If you are unable to conceive due to irregular menstruation, see your gynecologist. Only after a thorough examination, he will see the big picture and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Thus, if the cause of a delicate problem is a "female disease", the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs that normalize the hormonal background and the menstrual cycle, resulting in an increased chance of getting pregnant.
In all other cases, it is recommended to change your lifestyle, namely:
• Check your diet. If you have extra pounds that prevent you from getting pregnant, exclude fatty, fried, sweets and everything that contributes to gaining excess weight from your diet weight. Instead, give your preference to healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, grains. Also take up swimming, morning jogging or aerobics.
And if, on the contrary, you are too small, include more slow carbohydrates in your menu and eat well.
In order to regulate the irregular menstrual cycle and subsequently become pregnant, try the following traditional medicine: 1 tsp. oregano, pour 1 cup boiling water, then cover and wait until the infusion has cooled completely. Take it 1 glass 3 times a day.
• Relieve stress. Try to avoid stressful situations. But you still got into one of them, don't be nervous and don't worry.
• Have sex more often. Regular sex life, that is, 2-3 times a week, promotes conception. Just do not overdo it with sexual intimacy. Too frequent intimate caresses reduce the quality of male sperm: active spermatozoa simply do not have time to develop.
Irregular periods – this is not such a global problem as it might seem at first glance. Even with an irregular menstrual cycle, you can get pregnant.
Increase the chances of conception will help the methods that we mentioned in this article. These are hormonal drugs, traditional medicine and a radical change in lifestyle. But before using this or that remedy, be sure to consult a gynecologist.
Also, don't get hung up on the problem. Take a break from her. Pick up a new hobby, go to the movies with your loved one, or just take a walk in the park. Being busy with interesting things and positive emotions reduce the level of stress and, accordingly, increase the chances of conception and happy motherhood.
Association of early menopause with hormonal contraceptives
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