Gaining excess weight, we feel psychological and physical discomfort, so we try to get rid of the gained kilograms as quickly as possible. To do this, we choose the strategies that are most suitable for us: limit ourselves in food, monitor the calorie content of foods more carefully and / or start actively exercising. When it comes to eating, in many cases it seems to us that we consciously decide how much food we eat at a meal. However, it is not. Psychologists say that this indicator is regulated at the subconscious level. Today will tell you which dishes are best for limiting the amount of food you eat and losing weight.

Which dishes are best for those who want to lose weight

In the fight against extra pounds, all means that are safe for health are good, including psychological techniques. One of the effective and easy ways to eat less is to choose the right dishes from which we eat.

Below, based on research results, will help determine which dishes are best for those who want to lose weight. Following our recommendations, on the site there will be dishes that are most suitable for you  suitable. So, we will consider:

  • what size dishes are best for weight loss;
  • what color of dishes helps to reduce appetite.

One of the most effective and easy ways to eat less is to choose the dishes we eat from wisely.

What is the best size for eating less

If you want to eat less, you might be interested to know the results of an experiment conducted at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Authors: Brian Wansink and Koert van Ittersum.

It has been found that reducing the size of a plate from 12 to 10 inches reduces the number of calories consumed by 22%. Based on the fact that the average calorie content of a dinner is about 800 kcal, scientists have calculated that such a simple change will allow you to lose about 5 kg per year without any effort at all.

Smaller plates allow you to eat less due to the Delboeuf illusion.

What is the reason for this effect? The fact is that smaller dishes create the illusion of Delboeuf. Looking at the image below, it looks like the black circle on the right is larger than the circle on the left, but they are actually the same.

Because if we put a small portion of food on a large plate, it seems to us that this portion is small. If the same amount of food is put on a smaller plate, the illusion of an increase in the portion size is created – this allows us to eat less. Therefore, smaller dishes are suitable for those who want to eat less without feeling hungry.

The Delboeuf illusion works with any shape of crockery: triangular, square and rectangular.

So when it comes to portion control, you can trick your brain into eating less by choosing smaller dishes.

Which color of dishes is best for reducing appetite

We are well aware that different colors affect our mood and well-being in different ways. However, the power of color is not limited to this: the color of the dishes from which we eat also plays a role in the amount of food eaten – this has also been proven by Brian Wansink and Koert van Ittersum.

Researchers have found that if the color of the food matches the color of the plate, we eat 30% more food than in conditions of contrast between dishes and food.

The authors of the study explain this phenomenon by the fact that the amount of food that matches the color of the plate does not seem to us that much.

Think of a plate of rice, chicken and broccoli (or look at the picture above). On the white plate on the left, light-colored foods stand out less. In reality, the outlines of a portion of white rice and a light-colored chicken breast are less visible on a white dish than on a dark one.

High contrast between the color of the plate and food will automatically allow you to eat less on a subconscious level.

As for the color of dishes that is most suitable for suppressing appetite, it is considered that blue is the one. Blue color calms and also reduces appetite. Researchers explain this effect of blue plates by the fact that natural foodstuffs (vegetables, meat) are rarely colored in this color, therefore, appetite does not increase in response to blue color.

If you want to lose weight, choosing the right size and color of dishes will help you make the task easier: plates should be small, and their color should contrast with the color of the food. However, reminds that taking into account which dishes are suitable for reducing appetite is not enough to fight extra pounds. For visible results, you must first take care of proper nutrition and the choice of adequate physical activity, and psychological techniques will only simplify the fight against excess weight.

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