Какие фрукты едят при сахарном диабете: польза и безопасность для здоровья

Hearing the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" many are in despair. This is not surprising: the disease is associated with  a critical decline in the standard of living, a reduction in its duration and other problems that no one wants to face. 
But large-scale studies conducted with the purpose of studying diabetes, completely refute such statements: with the right approach to treatment and correction of lifestyle, nothing threatens the general state of health and longevity.

But an important place in the complex therapy of diabetes is given to nutrition. Today we talk about what fruits are eaten in diabetes mellitus and what nuances should be considered when consuming them .

What fruits do people with diabetes eat: a list of allowed

Talking about the need to completely exclude fruits from the diet of diabetics — the result of a lack of or misinformation. In fact, these foods are very important: they contain minerals, pectins, organic acids, vitamins, aromatics and other substances that play an important role in maintaining health and infection resistance.

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And the list of fruits and berries that are allowed for diabetes is quite large:

  • Any unsweetened apples

  • Lemons

  • Oranges

  • Red and blackcurrant

  • Cherry

  • Cherry plum

These fruits and berries are the most frequently introduced into diabetic diet, as they are relatively low in carbohydrates.

Depending on the peculiarities of the course of the disease, the endocrinologist may recommend other fruits, including tropical — pineapple, kiwi and others.

Read also: Low Glycemic Foods: Why They Should Be on Your Menu

In addition, the list of permitted fruits, berries and citrus fruits that can be consumed daily can be diversified with other "gifts of nature", which should be entered into the menu periodically — not more than 1 time in 2 weeks. Such fruits are selected by a nutritionist individually.

But the main principle of choosing the safest fruits is based on the ratio of glycemic index and carbohydrate content. Moreover, the last factor belongs to the more significant ones. So, if cherry and plum have the same glycemic index, then the amount of carbohydrates in cherry is almost twice as much. This makes cherry plum a more preferred fruit on the  table of diabetics — it should be on the menu more often than the cherry. 

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Read also: Prevention of diabetes: 7 tips for every day

Peculiarities of compiling a menu for diabetes

Nutriticians and endocrinologists recommend adhering to the following guidelines for compiling a "fruit" menu.

  • The daily serving of fruits and berries should not exceed 200g. This amount includes all raw, dried, baked, boiled fruits that you eat during the day. It is important to remember that the carbohydrate content of  dried fruits can be ten to  more times higher than that of raw fruits. Therefore, their quantity should be strictly controlled.

  • Sugar substitutes and natural thickeners in the form of starch or gelatin may be used in any beverage or dessert made with fruit , but only if permitted by your physician.

  • Preference should be given to seasonal fruits and berries, as grown in  greenhouse conditions can be "enriched" natural and synthetic fertilizers and preservative compounds that prolong their expiration date, but badly affect health. In addition, the carbohydrate content of such fruits can vary greatly from the composition of fruits grown in the wild, which also puts you at risk of exceeding the daily allowance.

  • It is important to control the total amount of carbohydrates in the  diet

    and introduce fruits on the menu only if all requirements for dietary nutrition in diabetes are met.

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  • Carefully keep a food diary

    , especially if you decide to diversify your menu with some new dishes or products. When preparing new dishes, write down the full recipe in your diary. This will allow you to quickly identify foods that negatively affect blood sugar levels and exclude them from the diet.

Follow us on Telegram But the rule of paramount importance — Coordinate all changes in your diet with the attending physician. This will allow you to create a complete and varied menu, satisfy your gastronomic needs and not harm your health, which is quite vulnerable in diabetes.

Read also: 

Signs of diabetes in children: how to recognize the disease and what to do

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