Many cosmetic products (especially strong and deep action) are comparable to chemicals or alcohol – Of course, you can mix them, but be very careful.
Irritation, lack of the expected effect, problems with applying makeup, the appearance of various defects on the skin – this is not a complete list of the consequences of some of the "dangerous ties" that form the combination of some cosmetic products.
He who is warned is armed! If do not want to fall victim to unsuccessful cosmetic combinations, then read the article!
1. Which cosmetic products are dangerous in vapors
2. Useless duets among beauty products
Which cosmetic products are dangerous in vapors
It is worth noting that individually all the described products are not only not harmful, but vice versa – their benefits have been proven by cosmetologists around the world. It's just a combination of incongruous, which women often don't suspect.
Exfoliants + Cleansing Brush
Some ladies are so eager to turn their face into a perfectly smooth mirror that they go too far, using both exfoliants (scrubs or products with exfoliating acids) and brushes.
It's so easy to over exfoliate and cause a lot of damage to the skin. Dangerous effects can include irritation, inflammation and hyperpigmentation.
So if use a scrub, forget the mechanical brush – and vice versa.
Self-tanning lotions + nourishing body products
If you are accustomed to moisturizing the skin of your body after a shower with some kind of nourishing agent – cream or milk, then be careful with it if you suddenly decide to give your skin a healthy bronze color with self-tanning.
The matter is that nutritious products with a dense consistence contain mineral oils, vaseline and paraffin which do not allow moisture to evaporate from skin. In addition, these substances prevent the uniform distribution of docosahexaenoic acid, which is contained in self-tanning products, on the skin. As a result, you run the risk of getting age spots, and at best — to become covered with uneven tan a la leopard spots.
But don't be in a hurry to forgo moisturizing your skin. Simply switch to light body lotions based on vegetable oils (like shea butter). They do not lead to such consequences.
Perfume + sunscreen
Alcohols, which are contained in any perfume, neutralize the skin's ability to protect itself from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, even if you do not leave the house in the summer without applying product with SPF (and you do it right!), its level of protection drops sharply after applying the fragrance. So even age spots on the neck and chest can occur – that is, in the areas where perfume is most often applied.
Therefore, you should not experiment with fragrances on a sunny day – better save your favorite perfume until the evening. Moreover, the heat also does not contribute to and the delicate opening of the fragrant bouquet.
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Useless duets among beauty products
The following combinations of cosmetic products cannot be called dangerous, but they are not useful either.
Have you ever spent a lot of money on a luxury cream and it didn't work on your skin at all?
Perhaps it was not its inefficiency, but the fact that you previously cleansed your face with a product that was not compatible with it?
Let's figure out what can not be combined, so as not to throw money away.
Exfoliating Acids + Vitamin C
Acids with exfoliating properties or hydroxy acids (salicylic, lactic, glycolic) and pure ascorbic acid (aka vitamin C) are not friendly with each other. Hydroxy acids deprive «ascorbic acid» its main properties – antioxidant and brightening, as well as the ability to increase the level of collagen in the skin.
So if you are using a cleanser with these acids (and most cleansing foams and gels for oily and problematic skin contain them), and your face cream contains vitamin C, just spread them out in time. For example, use it as a day cream, and cleanse your face with an acid cleanser only in the evenings.
Retinol + Benzoyl Peroxide
Both ingredients are very useful in fighting acne (and retinol also effectively fights wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity), but not when used at the same time! Benzoyl peroxide easily oxidizes retinol, and it loses all its power.
So try both benzoyl peroxide and retinol creams separately and just pick the one that works best for you.
Moisturizing Serum or Mist + Mattifiers
A moisturizing mist or serum is designed to lock in moisture to the skin. And silicones in the composition of matting agents, on the contrary, repel water. So on wet skin they just won't stick.
The solution is simple and does not require giving up moisture, which even oily skin needs. Just give your skin time to dry after applying a deep moisturizer. And only then start matting.
Matifying foundation + cream blush
When using two products with a silicone base, they "repel" each other, rolling and exfoliating on the skin. So either use a compact blush, or wait until the foundation is completely absorbed into the skin before applying the cream equivalent.
If it seems to you that you need to choose cosmetic products – very easy and fast business, such a mistake can cost you and your skin dearly. Indeed, at best, they simply neutralize each other's effects, and at worst, they will create a toxic reaction and lead to a bad outcome for the skin.
In this article, we have reviewed the most common erroneous and risky combinations in women's cosmetic bags.
We hope that the information you read will help you avoid mistakes so as not to risk the beauty and health of your skin. Be beautiful and healthy!
Cosmetics with adaptogens: the key to the beauty of your skin
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