Как увлажнить кожу лица правильно, и почему это нужно для любой кожи

To make the face shine and glow from the inside, you need to moisturize the skin all year round. This postulate is repeated by all cosmetologists and beauty bloggers from year to year, however, not all women listen to this advice and take care of moisturizing only from time to time. Meanwhile, the most important thing in moisturizing – regularity and systematic care manipulations. And some are generally sure that if the skin on the face is not of a dry type, then moisturizing is not needed. We will fight against such malicious stereotypes in this article.  
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How to moisturize your face properly: a complete beauty guide

Why does healthy skin need moisture at all? What threatens the face with a lack of moisture? How to replenish it? Why is hydration important for any skin type? Many ladies do not even ask themselves such questions, let alone try to answer them.

Meanwhile, moisturizing – one of the most important beauty rituals, which should become a must-have in the arsenal of every woman.

You may be surprised now, but human skin is 70% water.

True, this water is not like the one we drink – this is a solution, in which, in addition to water itself, there are also vitamins, salts, amino acids. It is thanks to them that tissues can function and regenerate, as they are the building material for new cells. In addition, water serves as a "carrier" for cells. all the substances necessary for life, and also helps to remove decay products and toxins from the skin.
In general, without water – nowhere. After all, if you do not give enough "building materials" for the growth of new cells, the vital activity of existing tissues and their purification, then there is no need to talk about skin health. And there is no health – there will be no beauty.

How does the mechanism of skin hydration work:
- 80% of water enters the skin from the inside  (with water and food);
- 20% of water enters the skin from the outside (through facial products and air humidification).

The skin actively absorbs moisture, but also actively gives it away – through breathing, movement. If you do not replenish the "reservoirs" in time with liquid, the skin will exhaust its own reserves and respond with dryness, lethargy and sagging. You don't need it, do you?

Many mistakenly believe that only dry skin suffers from lack of moisture. This is a huge misconception! Excess sebum production is not the same as skin hydration, and in some cases even signals the opposite – that the skin is dehydrated, so the sebaceous glands work with double strength. Try experimenting and use quality moisturizers for at least a couple of weeks – you will see, the skin will become less greasy!

How to moisturize dry and oily skin

The difference in hydration for different skin types starts with the cleansing phase and continues with different selections of skincare creams.

To remove makeup and cleanse the skin, it is better for owners of dry skin to use soft milk, emulsions, for owners of oily skin – cleansing gel.

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Tonic lotion as an intermediate step between cleansing and moisturizing will be equally useful for any type of skin, as it will become a "bridge" between means and enhance their effect.

The final touch is radically different – care cream.
To moisturize dry skin, it is better to choose a product with moisture-retaining natural ingredients, for example, aloe vera extract and oils (to create a hydrolipidic film that will not allow moisture to immediately leave the surface of the epidermis and keep it for a long time).

For oily skin, you need lighter products with an airy, weightless and instantly absorbed texture – cream-gels, cream-sorbets, light emulsions with vitamins and plant extracts.

It is good if the cream contains hyaluronic acid (this applies to products for any skin type), as it helps to retain moisture in the upper layers of the skin. Thermal water based products are also very good as it soothes and softens any skin.

1-2 times a week it is useful to make moisturizing masks, which can be purchased, or you can make it yourself at home.
In addition to external care, it is extremely important to establish a drinking regimen. Remember: no (even the most expensive!) moisturizer will keep your face hydrated for long if your whole body is suffering from a lack of clean water.

Therefore, the canonical 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day – your norm for beautiful skin.

If you are actively involved in sports or just move a lot, then the norm needs to be increased a little more. If you drink a lot of coffee or tea, then for every cup you drink, you need to drink an additional glass of pure water, since caffeine removes water from the body too actively.

By the way, if you live in a dry climate or the air in your office is too dry with heaters and air conditioners, then you should think about a humidifier. Or at least always carry a bottle of thermal water in your bag and periodically irrigate your face – make-up won't hurt, but it will support the skin's water balance.

It is also very useful for residents of large polluted cities to periodically have mesotherapy or biorevitalization procedures at their beautician. We hope these tips will help you develop a personal strategy for keeping your skin hydrated and beautiful!

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