One of the most strict diets is the coffee diet. But at the same time it is called one of the most effective. On this diet, you can lose 4 kg of excess weight in a few days. Therefore, we decided to analyze this diet in detail, its advantages and disadvantages.

Basic principles of the coffee diet

The coffee diet is based on two products: dark chocolate and coffee. In one day, you can eat 150 g of dark dark chocolate and drink an unlimited amount of natural brewed coffee. You need to drink only fresh coffee without sugar throughout the day every two hours.

Last coffee should be drunk no later than 7 pm. In addition, during the day you can quench your thirst with a few sips of still water. All other products are excluded. Basically, this diet is followed for three days.

The effectiveness of the coffee diet

Quick and tangible effect in a few days – It's just about the coffee diet. Coffee contributes to the rapid burning of fat by increasing the overall activity of the body. In addition, thanks to this drink, the body is cleansed of toxins and removes excess fluid faster.

Increased metabolism

This is where dark chocolate comes into play. The combination of coffee and dark chocolate significantly speeds up the body's metabolism, due to which calories are burned more actively. And the combination of coffee and chocolate contributes to the production of endorphins – hormones of happiness.

Disease prevention

The antioxidants found in coffee protect the body from malignant tumors. But it is worth remembering that these beneficial substances are found in sufficient quantities only in natural coffee beans.

Disadvantages of the coffee diet

Health contraindications

Like most diets, this one also has contraindications. So, the coffee diet is not suitable for people over 35 and under 18 years old. It is contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Risk of dehydration

When going on a coffee diet, it is worth remembering that coffee – it is a strong diuretic, and excessive consumption of it can lead to dehydration. It is also likely that there is a violation of the water-salt balance, which will worsen the general state of health, and sometimes can even lead to swelling of the internal organs and blockage of the lymphatic vessels.

Teeth discoloration

Coffee lovers are well aware of this nuisance. After all, coffee most often causes the loss of tooth enamel of its whiteness. Experts recommend brushing your teeth after every cup of coffee so that the enamel does not darken.


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