Ленивый глаз – как не упустить коварный синдром

Children rarely complain about poor eyesight, parents think if there are no complaints – There are no problems either. For many, it becomes a surprise that during a preventive examination it turns out that the child does not see well with one eye. In science, there is the concept of amblyopia – a state of reduced vision, when the eye does not participate in the visual process or it is weakly expressed. This applies to one or two eyes. This disease is called "lazy eye".

The disease is very insidious due to the lack of symptoms, the baby does not show anxiety, which leads to an advanced stage. Patients do not seek treatment for years, and when the first uncomfortable symptoms appear, treatment is no longer possible. estet-portal.

  • What are the signs of the disease
  • How is amblyopia treated and what should be used for prevention
  • List exercises for sickness lazy eye
What are the symptoms of lazy eye disease 

It is very important to detect the disease in time, it is possible to cure it up to 10 years, while vision is being formed. The essence of the disease – one eye develops normally, and the other lags behind in development. He just "sleeps", if amblyopia is detected at the age of 8, then "lazy" the eye lagged behind in development from a healthy eye by 8 years. The nerve cells of the diseased eye do not perform their function.

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Please note if the child:My default image
• when looking at small objects, squints and brings them close to the face;

• head tilted to one side when viewed;• complaints of itching in the eyes, systematically rubs them;

• headache in the evening;

• tilts head too low when drawing and reading;

• feels uncomfortable in the sun and in the dark;

• visual axes deviated;

• vision deteriorates after emotional outbursts;

How to recognize vision problems in children

Visually detect the disease if only the "lazy eye" mows. The presence of strabismus does not aggravate the disease, even with the alignment of the eyes, amblyopia is much more difficult to cure. Deviation occurs when the brain is unable to piece together the picture that the eyes see. At risk are people with different eyeballs, cataracts, astigmatism, with a genetic predisposition to

ophthalmic diseases. How is amblyopia treated and what should be used for prevention

Wear glasses – not enough in case of illness, first the eye is "awakened". To do this, an occluder is put on a healthy eye or simply sealed. In such a situation, the diseased eye begins to work actively, doing the work of two. Depending on the severity, they prescribe the time it takes to resume the work of the damaged eye. The highest degree of amblyopia – from 0.02 – 0.15%. The procedure starts from 20 minutes, extending to several hours, even days.

20 tips to keep your eyesight for years to come

To select the treatment tactics, doctors conduct a complete examination. They use an optical coherence tomography apparatus of the eye, if the retina has not changed, the nerve cells are developed to the right degree, then the treatment will help. To eliminate additional violations, conservative and surgical methods are used. Sometimes special drops are dripped into a healthy eye to dilate the pupil or a prescription for glasses with a low gradation is given in order to blur the vision in a healthy eye, and make the eye with impairments work.

Astigmatism treatment methods and vision correctionMy default image

Treatment of amblyopia
in adults is not successful. Nerve cells are atrophied due to the large amount of time without the functioning of the eye. Apply electrical stimulation, physiotherapy methods, selection of lenses. For prevention purposes, ophthalmologists advise good lighting in the workplace, exercise to relax the eyes, and include more fruits and vegetables in the diet. Children must undergo a medical examination, at least 1

once a year.My default image

List exercises for lazy eye disease The most effective activity for a child – "pirate's eye". To perform, take a bandage or glasses without glasses, covering one with an opaque cloth. Wear a bandage or glasses alternately on each eye when doing housework, reading. Start with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 4 hours. The exercise allows you to train both eyes so that each is included in the work.

An exercise to activate the work of the eye muscles.

Look straight ahead for 3 seconds, place your index finger 35 cm from the eyes, smoothly move your gaze to the finger, hold for 5 seconds and lower your hand.

Down your head down, look at your left foot, raise your head, look to the right corner of the room. Lower your head and look at your right foot, then to the left corner of the room. Such exercises are indicated for the prevention of amblyopia.

"Lazy Eye"

– a childhood disease that is treated only up to a certain age. Therefore, it is very important to visit doctors when entering kindergarten and school in order to exclude possible health deviations in the child.My default image

Doctors recommend: exercises for schoolchildren to improve health
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