
Migraine as a psychosomatic disease

Мигрень как психосоматическое заболевание

Migraine has long been regarded as a psychosomatic illness. So, according to Sigmund Freud, the main cause of such pain is human psychology. What psychological problems can cause severe headaches?

The group of "psychosomatic" includes a large number of different diseases. Such diseases appear due to the presence of certain internal conflicts and unconscious phenomena. Migraine is one of these diseases.

As a result of drug treatment of psychosomatic diseases (including migraines), it is possible to achieve only a short-term effect, after which the disease returns.

There is an opinion that migraine can be transmitted through the female line. Thus, the disease begins to manifest itself during menstruation, and precedes migraine attacks by a specific sensation, which is called an aura.

Symptoms during a migraine attack:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • vision disorder;
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound.

In some cases, patients may see dots, zigzags, and sparkling dots. The pain can be both pulsating and "drilling" and can be aggravated by sound and light stimulation.

Suppressed Aggression

According to some researchers, the cause of aggression lies in the suppressed aggression towards relatives and the outside world. When a state of affect sets in, there is an increase in the blood supply to the brain, and in the case of suppression of anger, muscle activity is blocked, which causes a weakening of blood flow to the muscles. At the same time, there is an increase in blood flow to the head. Thus, a discharge for a person does not occur when he cannot show aggression, this causes a migraine.

"Migraine" personality type

According to a number of studies, there is a personality type that is particularly prone to migraines. Usually in such patients there is a lag in emotional development, while prosperity occurs in the intellectual. Such people have ambition, restraint, lack of a sense of humor. Also, such individuals have a pronounced sense of self-worth, they are inherent in dominating other people.

Hiding emotional conflicts

During the time of Sigmund Freud, who himself suffered from this disease, there was an active study of the psychosomatic aspects of migraine. With the development of the psychoanalytic theory of pain, researchers have concluded that the cause of migraine lies in the "hiding of mental conflicts." For example, by providing the opportunity to manipulate loved ones, illness can bring certain elements of pleasure to the sick.

Psychotherapy for migraines

If the cause of migraines is still psychosomatic, as a result of medical examinations, physical abnormalities will not be shown. In this case, you need to turn to a psychotherapist for help, because the cause of the disease may be the past.

Often the main cause of migraine conditions is the stress that the patient experienced at the age of 3-8 years. If the doctor is experienced enough, he will easily determine which techniques will be appropriate in this case, and thanks to them, he will be able to quickly identify the cause of the migraine.


After identifying the cause, the psychotherapist prescribes treatment, relief from which can come both immediately and after some time. After the migraines are eliminated, the patient has the opportunity to build relationships with others and improve their productivity at work.


  • Comments (1)
    19 сентября 2016, 11:58

    Очень часто Мигрень является следствием повреждения позвоночника и его энергетических связей. В этом случае нужно восстановить эти энерго-связи и проблема Мигрени пройдёт сама собой. Ну а позвоночник - это основная магистраль нашей энергосистемы. В данном случае восстанавливается не только весь позвоночник, но и нормальное функционирование всего тела. В результате этого исчезнет Мигрень и уйдут многие другие проблемы. Очень эффективно это делают целители.

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