Many books, scientific papers and hundreds of studies have been written about healthy eating. There is a sea of ​​different theories with nutrition patterns and different diets. Today we will try to refute the theory that you can not eat fats and carbohydrates together. We will consider the results of studies that confirm this fact. What determines whether you gain excess weight or not? What exactly affects the metabolic processes in the body? What kind of fats and carbohydrates are good for the body? Consider interesting facts together at

What factors influence the formation of fats?

There is an opinion that if you consume fats and carbohydrates together, then a favorable environment is created for the amount of "stored" body fat increased. This is due to the fact that during the processing of carbohydrates, the hormone insulin is produced, which in turn promotes the synthesis of fats. And fats are then deposited in a kind of fat depot – this is waist, hips, belly, etc.

However, cutting out carbs altogether, or consuming them in very small doses, there is no guarantee that insulin levels will not rise. Tests were carried out with various products, and it turned out that protein foods also give a significant release of insulin, these are eggs, fish, meat, cheese. In addition, insulin levels rise significantly more with fish than with oatmeal, pasta, or even popcorn.

Therefore, the production of insulin in the process of losing weight does not really matter. In addition, other hormones are involved in the development of body fat. It turns out that the fat cells themselves produce "lipogenic" a hormone that is responsible for storing fat in the body. It is also called "acylation-promoting protein". (ASP).  And the level of this hormone, according to the statements & nbsp; researchers, increases independently of the action of insulin.

Proof of the "friendship of fats and carbohydrates"

Scientists in Switzerland conducted the following study: they divided a group of participants into those who consumed fats and carbohydrates at the same time and those who ate these foods separately.  Interestingly, after 6 weeks, the first group of subjects  lost an average of 7.5 kg of weight, and the second only – 6.2 kg.

We did another experiment, compared 3 types of diets: high fat, low fat and low carbohydrate diet. Surprisingly, in all three cases, there were no significant differences in either weight loss or weight gain.

This proves that carbohydrates and fats can be eaten in one meal.

How to eat fats and carbohydrates in order not to gain weight

When it comes to weight loss, it's just a matter of keeping the proportion of fat stored to lost. Those. a person must observe the law of energy balance: consume less energy with food than expend in a day.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that no division of food into proteins, fats and carbohydrates and their combination does not affect weight loss. It is only affected by food based on a calorie deficit that maintains energy balance.


What kind of carbohydrates should I eat?

Even having come to the conclusion that fats and carbohydrates can still be combined, you need to pay attention to the quality of carbohydrates consumed. In order for them to become a useful source of energy and benefit the body, it is recommended to opt for complex carbohydrates (rice, cereals, durum flour pasta, whole grain bread, legumes). If you are afraid of excess weight, reduce to a minimum or refuse consumption (refined foods, sugar, flour products, etc.)

Eating too much fat is also not a good indicator, so try to add mostly vegetable fats. They should make up one third of the total fat diet (nuts, vegetable oils, etc.).

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