We use our brains on a daily basis, especially at work, when productivity and speed of thought are essential to achieve the best results. For schoolchildren and students, improving the functioning of the brain will facilitate the process of learning and remembering information. This statement is true for every person, because we really learn all our lives. Everyone knows that the main fuel needed for the brain is food. Some of them have a negative effect on brain function, and some brain foods are just superfoods. Today estet-portal.com will tell about them.

  1. Water

We put water at the top of the list of superfoods, because the brain cannot do without it. Despite the fact that a lot has already been written about water, not all people provide their body with the necessary amount of water. As a result, the brain suffers, daily fatigue and headaches appear. Improving brain function is possible only if you drink sufficient amount of water.

  1. Salmon

According to the National Library of Medicine, Public Institutes of Health, most of the brain is made up of fats, specifically the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid. Therefore, oily fish – one of the best foods for the brain, and salmon is so rich in omega-3 fatty acids that it has been isolated from existing fish as the most beneficial for improving memory and cognitive processes.

  1. Berries

Antioxidants are great for improving memory, preventing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Berries are on the list of brain superfoods because they are rich in antioxidants. The darker the color of the berry, the stronger its antioxidant property.

  1. Avocado

Avocado is involved in improving brain function due to the presence of healthy fats and nutrients in it, which improve blood circulation, stimulate brain cells and improve concentration.

  1. Nuts

Proteins and healthy fats make nuts an indispensable food for the brain. Amino acids, antioxidants and vitamin E can naturally improve brain function, increase productivity.

  1. Bananas

Glucose, which the body uses for energy, is contained in one banana per daily dose. Comparing banana to processed sugar and carbs makes no sense – it is much more beneficial for the whole body. Banana is also considered one of the best foods for the brain due to tryptophan, which is involved in improving brain function.

  1. Dark chocolate

In addition to being sweet and delicious, dark chocolate is also a superfood for the brain, as it improves concentration and provides the body with energy. 5 days of high flavanol cocoa improves blood flow to the brain.

  1. Spinach

Due to its vitamin K content, spinach (when eaten regularly) can slow down brain aging by up to 11 years. In addition, it enhances cognitive abilities.

As you can see, preparing your brain for optimal performance throughout the day is not that difficult – The superfoods described above, which help in improving brain function, are always available in stores and usually do not require complex preparation.  

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