The emotional and physical state of a person are closely related. The American physician Edmund Jacobson studied this connection in the 1920s. His experiments showed that a person's emotional reactions often manifest themselves in the form of muscle tension, the degree of which increases as the emotional tension increases.

To solve this problem, Jacobson developed a progressive  neuromuscular relaxation that allows you to relax your body and mind, restore strength and neutralize the negative effects of stress. Today will acquaint you with this technique.

What is the Neuromuscular Relaxation Technique?

Progressive neuromuscular relaxation – a two-step process aimed at  for muscle relaxation. First, you systematically tense certain muscle groups of the body, and then relieve tension. This exercise will help you reduce overall tension and stress, as well as relax in a stressful situation, improve sleep, and even get rid of physical discomfort caused by headaches or stomach pain. Thanks to the Jacobson Technique, you will learn not only to relax, but also to recognize the first signs of tension that arise throughout the day.

Jacobson's exercises will help you relax, relieve stress and improve your health.

Below will tell you:

  • how to prepare for class;
  • what to do during a session;
  • how often you should exercise.


Preparation for neuromuscular relaxation

The entire process of neuromuscular relaxation according to Jacobson will take about 15-20 minutes, so set aside this amount of time for relaxation. It is better to practice this technique in a warm and quiet place where no one will disturb you. Don't forget to turn off your phone. Get comfortable: lie on the floor or on the bed, sit on a chair – as you like. Relax your body, breathe slowly. You can follow these steps alone, or you can ask a friend or family member to read the instructions for you.

Jacobson neuromuscular relaxation session: what to do

Your task – alternately tense and relax different muscle groups of the body. The following are instructions for doing neuromuscular relaxation exercises. The scheme is simple: You will need to first tighten the muscles for 5 seconds, and then relax them, while enjoying the feeling of complete relaxation. During the exercise, do not hold your breath, breathe freely and evenly. Adjust the degree of tension – it should not cause pain.

Tension should not cause pain.

  1. Hand and forearm (dominant hand): Clench your fist with maximum force, bend your hand at the hand. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  2. Shoulder (dominant arm): bend your arm at the elbow and press it against any surface. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  3. Hand and forearm (non-dominant hand): see point 1.
  4. Shoulder (non-dominant hand): see step 2.
  5. Upper third of the face: raise your eyebrows as high as possible and open your mouth wide. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  6. Middle third of the face: Close your eyes tightly, frown and wrinkle your nose. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  7. Lower third of the face: Clench your jaws tightly and pull the corners of your mouth as close to your ears as possible. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  8. Neck: Pull your shoulders up to your ears and then tilt your chin to your chest. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  9. Chest and Diaphragm: Inhale deeply, bringing your elbows together in front of you and squeezing them. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  10. Back and abdomen: tighten your abs, pull your shoulder blades together and arch your back. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  11. Thigh (dominant leg): hold the leg in a tense position – half bent at the knee. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  12. Shin (dominant leg): pull the foot towards you as much as possible, spread the toes apart. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  13. Foot (dominant leg): arch the foot so that the ankle joint protrudes, clench the toes. Count to 5. Relax your muscles and enjoy the feeling of relaxation.
  14. Thigh (non-dominant leg): see 11.
  15. Shin (non-dominant leg): see 12.
  16. Foot (non-dominant leg): see 13.

Working with the above 16 muscle groups is quite enough to relieve muscle and mental tension, however, there are more detailed relaxation techniques that you can move on to by learning how to perform basic exercises.

When is the best time to do the Jacobson neuromuscular relaxation exercises?

It is worth noting that the generalization of the relaxation effect depends on the regularity of performing exercises according to the method of Jacobson's progressive neuromuscular relaxation. During the first two months, it is recommended to practice according to the method every day: in the first month – 2 times a day, in the second – 1 time per day. After that, you can gradually reduce the frequency of classes to a couple of times a week.

It is best to practice after waking up, before going to bed and before eating. It is undesirable to exercise after eating, as the digestive process prevents complete relaxation.

Read also: Breathing techniques to relieve stress in 10 minutes

The Progressive Neuromuscular Relaxation Technique developed by Dr. Jacobson – a great way to relieve physical and emotional stress, increase resistance to stressful situations and thereby strengthen health.

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