Diet and Nutrition

Give up unnecessary: ​​how to reduce appetite to lose weight

Hunger – a natural signal that the body uses to signal a lack of food. Ignoring such signals is not recommended, but those who want to lose weight or at least not gain weight, as a rule, have to limit the amount of calories they consume. But what if you have to eat so much food to satisfy the feeling of hunger that it will certainly affect the figure? In this case, recommends resorting to little tricks that will help reduce your appetite and eat less.

How can I reduce my appetite so I can eat fewer calories?

Often when we eat, we force ourselves to eat more by making common mistakes – eating in a hurry, being distracted by TV shows, or even choosing a large plate. After finishing the meal, we wonder why we ate so much and why the brain did not tell us to stop in time. Yes, he would be glad, but we practically do not leave the brain a chance to stop us at the right moment.

You can reduce your appetite by choosing the right foods and accustoming yourself to healthy habits.

When we get used to eating a lot, it can be extremely difficult to limit our intake of calories, because the feeling of hunger accompanies us all day and forces us to push on food crimes. Trying to solve this problem, scientists tirelessly conduct various studies and tell those who want to control the amount of food eaten how to reduce appetite.

We'll look at how to do this below:

  • using products;
  • with the right habits.

How to reduce appetite with food?

Sometimes overeating is the result of poor food choices. To eliminate this factor that prevents you from reducing your appetite, try:

  • Eat more protein

Protein makes you feel fuller and makes you not want to eat longer. In addition, protein helps prevent muscle loss and gain it. And the more muscle mass, the faster the metabolism works.

  • Eat foods rich in fiber

Fiber-rich foods help fill the stomach and slow down emptying. Accordingly, it contributes to the production of satiety hormones. For example, scientists have calculated that legumes & nbsp; can increase the feeling of satiety by 31%. The same can be said about the fiber found in whole grains. Moreover, the more viscous fiber is, the longer it allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety. Therefore, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds are recommended for consumption not only by those who want to lose weight, but by almost anyone.


  • Choose predominantly "solid calories"

The so-called solid and liquid calories have different effects on appetite. The fact is that solid food goes through the process of chewing before it enters the stomach. This gives the body more time to realize that it has had enough.

  • Drink coffee

Coffee in moderation is good for health and weight loss as this flavorful drink also helps reduce appetite. Coffee increases the production of the YY peptide, which also signals satiety to the brain and helps control portion sizes. Interestingly, decaffeinated coffee has an even more pronounced appetite-reducing effect. Scientists do not yet know why this is happening.


  • Drink water before meals

Water promotes weight loss, including by reducing appetite. Scientists have calculated that people who drink 2 glasses (500 ml) of water before meals eat 22% less food.

Coffee and water – two drinks that will benefit those who lose weight.

  • Eat dark chocolate

Dark chocolate helps reduce appetite and sugar cravings. The stearic acid contained in this product is said to increase satiety, as does the smell of dark chocolate itself.

  • Include ginger in your diet

Ginger is famous for its benefits – it suppresses nausea, muscle pain, inflammation and lowers blood sugar levels. Drinking 2 grams of ginger powder dissolved in warm water will help keep you feeling full longer.

  • Add pepper to dishes

Capsacin in hot peppers and capsiate in sweets not only help reduce appetite, but also burn calories more actively after eating.

  • Use omegas

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in marine fish and algae, can prolong satiety by increasing the level of the satiety hormone leptin.

What habits and tricks help reduce appetite?

Sometimes it becomes more difficult to satisfy our hunger because of certain mistakes we make during the meal. To avoid such mistakes and reduce your appetite, try:

  • Take your time and eat mindfully

Under normal conditions, the brain is aware when you are hungry or full. However, fast eating makes it difficult for satiety signals to reach the brain. That is why experts recommend eating without being distracted by TV, phone or other factors.

  • Choose a smaller plate and a fork (but not a spoon) – more

If you take a smaller plate, you will subconsciously reduce the portions of food you eat without feeling hungry. For unknown reasons, large cutlery, with only forks, has the same effect. For some reason, large spoons increase the amount eaten. 

  • Exercise

Exercise reduces the activity of the areas of the brain responsible for the need for food and reduces the level of hunger hormone. This effect is predominantly aerobic and strength exercises.

Healthy sleep, less stress and physical activity help you eat less.

  • Sleep well

Quality sleep (at least 7 hours) also protects against weight gain by reducing appetite by 24% and increasing satiety hormones by about the same percentage.

  • Don't stress yourself

Stress is known to cause cortisol to rise. The cascade of changes triggered by the stress hormone eventually leads to increased hunger and cravings for high-calorie foods.

  • Comments (2)

    28 октября 2016, 17:06

    Стеариновая кислота и похудение?она как раз способствует накоплению жира..уж лучше какао бобы

  • Comments (2)

    27 октября 2017, 21:07

    Я бы сказал ниче, ну не все, вобщем неплохо

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