Падение на льду: как избежать травм и переломов

From the first day of winter, the number of patients in the emergency room increases dramatically. Fall on ice — the most common reason why people get fractures, cracks and bruises. An ice crust under a light layer of snow or a thick layer of ice on the sidewalk become a serious obstacle on the way to work, university or a cafe. And even special linings for shoes don always save. The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you how to avoid a fall and to fall correctly to avoid a fracture, and also what to do if you still didn stand on slippery ice.

How to fall properly so as not to hurt yourself

Few people know that you can fall correctly, — so as not to get a fracture, not to hurt yourself. Of course, the landing will still be unpleasant, but you will avoid serious injury. So, how to fall correctly:

  1. On stomach. In in this case, the position of the hands — it is on them that you have to land, they will act as a shock absorber. They need to be instantly thrown forward, slightly bent at the elbows, spreading the fingers in the form of a "fan".

  2. To to side. In order not to bruise your elbow, head, to get a fracture, while stretch your arm in front of you with your palm down. She will be the first to touch the ground and absorb it. At the same time, bend the leg on which you fall at the knee. Press the chin to the chest, press the ear to the shoulder opposite the side of the fall. All this will help to avoid a fracture, head injury.

  3. On the back. Hands should be moved to sides and back, palms down, fingers together. The back needs to be bent in an arc so that it is mono to roll from shoulders to lower back. In this case, the hands will touch the ground earlier, acting as a shock absorber. The legs should not just bent at the knees, but also spread a little to to sides, so as not to hit themselves in the face.

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All of these actions will take seconds. Ideal — if they have been worked out in advance. This is taught in self-defense courses, in wrestling sections. If you are not sure that you yourself will master such techniques, you can turn to a coach for help.

Read also: Dr. Komarovsky's advice: emergency care for a head injury in a child

How to prevent falls on any ice

It is impossible to sit at home all winter, being afraid to go out on a surface slippery from ice. Therefore, arm yourself with our tips to reduce the risk of falling while walking:

  1. Stay away bags with long handles — if it is heavy, then shifts the center of gravity of the body to the side, it will be very difficult to resist walking.

  2. Wearers of long coats and fur coats must lift them up when exiting transport or on stairs. There is a very high risk that you yourself or outsiders will catch the "tail" your clothes — and then falling cannot be avoided.

  3. Give up big hoods that obscure your view. They make it difficult to navigate in space and notice the problem section of the road in time.

  4. Walk with short, quick steps — this will reduce the risk of slipping.

  5. Walk around areas with fresh, untrodden snow — there may be ice under it, which is easy to slip on.

  6. Don't rush and don run the bus — you will definitely be late if you slip.

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Remember that it's better to leave the house early so that you don't rush and not risk falling. Try to use public transport more than walking. This way you simply reduce the chance of falling.

And if you regularly play sports and run in a park or a stadium, then for ice time it is better to move your workouts to the gym, to track.

Read also: Osteoporosis can wait — best types of exercises for strengthening bones

Falling on  ice: what to do if it happens

Despite  every precaution, sometimes a fall is simply unavoidable. It's not always possible to group up and land correctly. Therefore, it is important to know what to do if you have already fallen.

First of all, don't get up and hurry on. Gently get up and pay attention to how  — Do you feel pain somewhere? Then move your arms and legs — sometimes pain does not appear immediately. If somewhere you feel obvious discomfort — go to the emergency room. Even if it is not a fracture, it may be a crack or a severe bruise. Professional inspection and  help will definitely not interfere with you. After all, this will help to avoid more serious problems.

Severe sharp pain will speak of a fracture. It does not stop even if you lie still. In this case, the limb must be immobilized and go to the emergency room. Pain can be treated with an analgesic.

If you feel nauseous, dizzy and have trouble concentrating — this may indicate a concussion.

During the actual fall, no problems can not be noticed, but they will manifest themselves a little later. Seek doctor immediately as soon as you feel unwell!

Read also: Bone fractures in children — provide first aid

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