Почему нельзя пить минеральную воду без назначения врача

Often when we buy water to quench our thirst, we do not always understand its composition, confirms estet-portal.com. Mineral, table or simply purified water - there is practically no difference for us, as long as it fills us with life-giving moisture, especially in the hot season. However, some types of water that we are used to indiscriminately use are medicinal and should be used strictly for their intended purpose, and not when you just want to drink. Let's see what a classic mineral water is.

What are mineral waters

Uncontrolled consumption of mineral water can be compared with the consumption of medicines for other purposes, and actions that you can hardly imagine. Before buying a weekly norm of mineral water in the supermarket, it would be good to at least get acquainted with whether it will harm you.

There is a whole science that studies the beneficial properties of mineral waters and their effect on our body. It's called – balneology. Based on the research conducted by experts, recommendations are made for the use of mineral water inside and out.

Any water, except for distilled water, has mineral additives. And the more of them, the tougher it gets. Mineral waters have been used since antiquity. Today, in those places where there are springs, most often there are medical institutions that use mineral waters in treatment.

Water from such wells is bottled and sent to stores. Therefore, this is a kind of medicine that should be used only for its intended purpose.


What types of mineral water are there

Mineral waters, depending on what minerals and trace elements they contain, are divided into:

  • therapeutic (high mineralization 10-15 g per liter),
  • medicinal table (average mineralization from 4 to 9 grams per liter),
  • table (low mineralization, 2-3 g per liter).

This information is usually written on the label.

Table water can be consumed daily as desired. But the medical-dining room is already on the recommendation of a specialist.

Medicinal water requires a prescription and can even be harmful if used arbitrarily.

Hydrocarbonate waters are the most palatable.


See also: Is it harmful to drink water with meals?

How do mineral waters affect our body

Healing properties of waters can be determined:

  • composition,
  • dosage.
  • in the way it is used.

For example, water containing bicarbonate is indicated for problems with the genitourinary system, namely urolithiasis and cystitis.  It is also useful for infants and those who are intensively engaged in physical activity. However, if you suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially gastritis, then it is better not to take it.

Water containing chloride ions is suitable for low acidity. In addition, they can be drunk to activate the process of outflow of bile.

Water containing sulfates will be useful for constipation, and glandular – with anemia. In addition, sulfate waters help with:

  • overweight and obese,
  • chronic hepatitis,
  • diabetes,
  • gastritis,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It has a slight laxative effect, due to which the functions of the liver and gallbladder are activated, the body gets rid of waste products. However, it is not prescribed for adolescents and children, as it does not allow the absorption of calcium, which is necessary at their age.

Water containing chlorides is generally recommended for:

  • eliminate digestive problems,
  • restoration of the work of the intestines, kidneys and gallbladder,
  • improvement of metabolic processes,
  • stimulation of the secretion of the small intestine,
  • Improve the functioning of the stomach and pancreas.

Hypertensive diseases are contraindications for drinking this water.

Doctors more and more often say that you should not drink mineral medicinal waters uncontrollably.

Even medicinal table water should be consumed no more than 30 days, and then take a short break for 3-6 months.

What do you think about taking mineral water, share your opinion on estet-portal.com.

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