Beauty and health

Why forehead wrinkles appear and how to get rid of them

The appearance of forehead wrinkles is not necessarily a sign of aging, as they can appear after the age of 20 as a result of a number of factors. Horizontal or vertical wrinkles do not adorn the forehead, because of them we look much older than our age. To effectively prevent or get rid of wrinkles in this area, you need to understand the causes that lead to the appearance of wrinkles in this part of the face. Therefore, in this article, will tell you why wrinkles appear on the forehead and what methods are effective in combating this problem at home or in the beautician's office.

Factors contributing to forehead wrinkles

The first and one of the most common causes of wrinkles in the forehead area, as well as in other areas of the face, is the aging process of the skin, as a result of which it loses elasticity and natural protection due to a decrease in sebum production. Moreover, the layer of fat in the deep layers of the skin is reduced, which leads to sagging skin and more pronounced wrinkles and furrows.

Natural mechanisms of aging – not the only cause of forehead wrinkles.

In addition to aging, the following factors contribute to forehead wrinkles:

  • chronic stress (chronic stress is believed to prematurely “age” cells, leading to, among other things, early forehead wrinkles);
  • genetic predisposition (for some people, forehead wrinkles can appear starting at age 18, which is facilitated by a combination of heredity, overactive forehead muscles and excessive sun exposure);
  • smoking (tars contained in tobacco inhibit metabolic activity, which leads to collagen damage and loss of moisture);
  • ultraviolet radiation (people who spend a lot of time in the sun without protecting their skin with special means are at risk of developing forehead wrinkles at a fairly young age, since ultraviolet rays damage the elastin and collagen fibers located in the dermis);
  • unbalanced diet (dermatologists recommend eating a variety of foods rich in vitamins that help maintain youthful skin);
  • facial expressions (people who express their emotions too intensely through facial expressions often develop wrinkles much earlier than their peers).

Read also: 7 effective ways to get rid of deep wrinkles

Below we will look at ways to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead:

  • in the beautician's office;
  • at home.

How to get rid of forehead wrinkles with cosmetic procedures


To eliminate wrinkles on the forehead in cosmetology, there are a number of methods, among them:

  • fractional laser therapy and LED skin rejuvenation (these non-surgical forehead wrinkle treatments do not require the use of chemicals, have no serious side effects and consist of exposure to a laser beam or energy from a light source (laser or diodes ), which leads to microdamages of the skin and starts the process of its regeneration);
  • dermabrasion and microdermabrasion (is a mechanical skin resurfacing aimed at removing the upper layers of the skin in the doctor's office; this procedure is quite traumatic, but the result is good; microdermabrasion – a more gentle method of dealing with wrinkles on the forehead than dermabrasion);
  • plastic surgery (facelift or rhytidectomy – usually such methods are used only as a last resort, when more gentle methods do not provide the desired effect);
  • Botox injections (this method is successfully used in the fight against wrinkles on the forehead to relax tense mimic muscles);
  • creams and serums (after evaluating the condition of the patient's skin, the cosmetologist can recommend various anti-wrinkle creams and serums);
  • fillers (usually administered after injections of a muscle relaxant (i.e. a drug based on botulinum toxin), since fillers will be ineffective in case of mimic wrinkles on the forehead);
  • chemical peels (aimed at the chemical removal of the upper layers of the skin and their restoration in a natural way);
  • alpha hydroxy acids and retinoids (stimulate collagen production and smooth wrinkles);
  • Foods with antioxidants and proteoglycans (prevent free radical damage to skin cells).

The above procedures and products can be combined by the doctor based on the patient's skin condition and possible contraindications.

Read also: How to slow down the aging of the body inside and out: 3 important aspects

How to get rid of forehead wrinkles with home remedies?

Some folk remedies help to reduce the severity of forehead wrinkles without resorting to the services of cosmetologists. Such methods are suitable if forehead wrinkles are just beginning to appear, in case of deep wrinkles, it is better to consult a cosmetologist to get the desired effect in a short time.

Professional treatments – the most effective way to eliminate forehead wrinkles.


Home remedies for forehead wrinkles include:

  • nutrition correction (you need to drink enough water, limit the consumption of sugar and flour products, take care of the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet);
  • Yoga exercises for the face;
  • facial gymnastics
  • ;
  • rejuvenating face masks
  • ; massages with olive oil, citrus;
  • application of linseed oil to the target area at night;
  • application of an aloe vera and egg white mask (for 15 minutes);
  • and many more.

Remember that the most effective procedures are performed by a qualified cosmetologist, based on the individual characteristics of your skin. is convinced that a properly selected course of procedures and skin care products will allow you to remove forehead wrinkles as quickly, effectively and permanently as possible.

  • Comments (1)

    19 февраля 2019, 12:19

    мopщины пoявилиcь дoвoльнo paнo, избaвитьcя oт них cмoглa тoлькo c пoмoщью пaтч-филлepoв

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