Полезные свойства спаржи, или что скрывает деликатесная аптека

Names of two great autocrats — Louis XIV and Peter I — associated with the hardy asparagus. Even in winter, the Sun King demanded tender shoots of asparagus to the table, for which it was nicknamed "the food of the king." Asparagus is also directly related to the innovations of Peter I. However, only wealthy people could afford to feast on succulent shoots, which is why in Rus' asparagus was called "the master's vegetable."  

At the same time, many have forgotten that the name of asparagus in Latin "asparagus officinalis" means "medicinal". That is, in addition to the exquisite taste, these shoots also have healing properties. We invite you to find out what useful qualities asparagus has and at the same time learn how to cook it properly.  

Asparagus keeps the secret of youth and fights wrinkles

Asparagus can be called a product of youth and beauty. Being low-calorie (no more than four calories in one process) and at the same time rich in vitamins and microelements, it helps not only to lose weight and get rid of cellulite, but also to cleanse the skin of the face along the way. This explains why people who regularly eat asparagus in their diet look younger than their peers, who rarely consume it.
Asparagus contains:

  • folic acid. Resists the withering of the body;
  • carotene. Prevents the formation of age spots;
  • vitamin PP. Participates in the formation of estrogen hormones and protects the face from premature aging;
  • asparagine. It relieves irritation, cleanses and tightens the skin, relieves puffiness.

Due to its unique composition, asparagus is an excellent cosmetic product and reveals the secret of youth. Its juice helps exfoliate dead skin cells, makes the skin soft and prevents the appearance of papillomas and warts.
Asparagus peeling. Chop fresh asparagus sprouts. Apply the resulting gruel on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  • If the face is swollen, you can apply slices of fresh asparagus to problem areas for 10 minutes or rub it with juice.

Asparagus dishes reduce blood pressure and help the heart

Asparagus is rightly called the perfect product. It is 95% water, which contributes to its diuretic effect. And this means that with its help you can normalize the pressure and remove toxins. The remaining 5% comes from protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. Thus, freeing the body from unnecessary toxins, asparagus simultaneously nourishes it with useful microelements.

Not only asparagus shoots have healing properties, but also its roots. A decoction is prepared from them for cardiovascular insufficiency, difficulty urinating, metabolic disorders.

Consumption of asparagus contributes to:

  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • excretion of urea, phosphates and chlorides from the body;
  • dilation of blood vessels;
  • prevention of liver disease;
  • to increase male potency.

This delicacy requires special treatment. For cooking asparagus, you should choose smooth stems with tightly closed heads. From them you can cook any dishes, from soups to desserts. Gourmets prefer not to heat-treat fresh asparagus: they simply remove its top layer with a knife. In all other cases, you should remember about its subtleties of preparation.
Asparagus Cooking Tips:

  • asparagus must not be digested, otherwise it will lose its taste along with vitamins. For the same reason, you can not boil in a large amount of water;
  • during cooking, you can drip lemon juice, — the asparagus will become whiter. Other spices should not be added.

We offer you a simple recipe for asparagus. Having mastered it, you will no longer want to part with asparagus and reveal your secret youth. 

Asparagus with cheese

You will need: 

  • 0.5 kg asparagus;
  • 6 tbsp grated cheese;
  • 3 Art. l. oils;
  • ground crackers.
  1. Peel the asparagus, boil in boiling salted water.
  2. Place the asparagus in a pre-greased baking dish. Sprinkle with grated cheese and ground breadcrumbs. Bake until the cheese is melted.

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