Послеродовая депрессия: как с ней борятся звездные мамы

Star mothers perform their maternal functions in the same way as ordinary women. In this sense, the former are absolutely no different from the latter: they change diapers, strictly observe feeding hours, often spend sleepless nights at the bed of a crying baby, etc., and also – know firsthand about postpartum depression and share great tips for dealing with it. But what is this state, how does it manifest itself and why, and most importantly – how to overcome it anyway? Using the example of star mothers, estet-portal.com.

Postpartum depression: how stars are cured

Having carried and given birth to a child, not all mothers find peace of mind. On the contrary, now responsibility has increased, anxiety, confusion, fears have appeared: what if something will be done wrong, and it will hurt the child, why does the baby cry all the time, or maybe he doesn’t have enough milk, something it hurts, etc. Sadness rolls for no reason, insomnia occurs, appetite disappears, depression covers, etc.

As a rule, there is no unequivocal answer, what is the reason for such a state, – no. Usually this is a whole complex of reasons, both mental (stress experienced during childbirth) and physical (hormonal changes) in nature, which exacerbate the negative emotions and feelings of a woman.

According to statistics, postpartum depression is to some extent characteristic of every 5th woman. This ailment does not bypass those representatives of the fair sex who consciously approached the desire to have a child. So this cup will not pass over star mothers. How do they deal with this debilitating state?

Kate Middleton

It would seem that the wife of the Duke of Cambridge has so many assistants, but she also faced postpartum depression after giving birth to her first child. A young woman believes that one hundred percent preparation for motherhood is unrealistic. And to feel like a mother means to experience many of the most vivid emotions: joy, impotence, love, confusion, fatigue, surprise… In Kate's opinion, the best thing about this situation – go headlong into caring for the family.


A singer from Britain, having given birth to a son who is now 5 years old, doubts that she will become a mother again, she went through depression after childbirth very hard: she cried endlessly, hated herself and everything that happened to her. But she did not resort to the help of antidepressants, communication with women who had recently given birth helped her to recover.

Brooke Shields

This actress was even ready to commit suicide due to depression after childbirth, but at the last moment she suddenly realized the horror of her situation, realizing that it was necessary to be treated. Brooke is sure that most women are afraid to admit even to themselves that they are sick and therefore do not take any action. In the meantime, the situation is only getting worse, and we cannot delay.

My default image

Hayden Panettiere

An actress from the USA considers this condition of a woman who has given birth to be the most terrible thing, and those who are sure that it is – invented whim, calls madmen. She herself was treated for depression after childbirth in a rehabilitation center.

Celine Dion

The Canadian singer suffered from postpartum depression, which manifested itself in constant crying for no reason. She was saved by sports and the help of loved ones. Sometimes, she left her twins for a while with her mother and went to the salon, to the cinema, or just walked along the city streets.

Depression can begin almost immediately after the completion of childbirth and even six months after them. And to stay in tenacious "embraces" this state can be either a couple of weeks or several years.

At this time, a woman needs attention, care and support from loved ones. And a man who has become a father needs to be ready to help his wife in every possible way in overcoming her painful condition.

We must not close our eyes to the fact that postpartum depression – this is still an ailment, it is unacceptable to ignore it, since it is fraught with serious consequences for both the newly-made mother and the baby himself. After all, the health of the newborn and how it develops depends on the well-being of the mother.


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