Правила питания кормящей матери после кесарева сечения

Caesarean section – This is not only childbirth, but also an operation. After all, this process involves an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and the body of the uterus in order to remove the baby. And since during such a surgical intervention the bladder and intestines are affected, it is necessary to pay due attention to nutrition in the postoperative period, especially in the first three days and after discharge from the hospital. The online publication estet-portal.com will tell you what basic nutrition rules a nursing mother needs to follow so that the stitches heal faster, the work of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal, and health improves.

First day: severe mineral water diet

The first few hours after – the most difficult. After all, the body of a newly-made mother is exhausted. This is due to the fact that throughout the pregnancy resources were spent on the development and preservation of the child. A serious surgical intervention – This is a huge burden, both physically and mentally. That is why in the first day you can not eat high-calorie and plentiful food. After all, it can put an additional burden on the body. In addition, after recovery from anesthesia, strong gas formation and adhesions occur. And food can only aggravate these processes.

Daily fasting will not harm the body. After all, all the nutrients (vitamins and trace elements) necessary to maintain the health of mother and baby are introduced into the body of a woman with the help of droppers.

Doctors only allow drinking non-carbonated mineral water, but not more than 1.5 liters. It can be diluted with fruit juice to add flavor.

The best option would be lemon juice, because it contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, restores lost strength, and also has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

Second day: special diet including light food

Already on the second day after the operation, the young mother feels better and more comfortable. In this case, the rules of nutrition are less stringent. A woman is allowed to quietly eat food. Only the diet should be special, that is, dietary and low-calorie. After all, the intestines are not yet working at full capacity, so it will be difficult for him to cope with heavy meals. What can you eat on the second day after a caesarean section? Doctors recommend eating healthy and light foods that are quickly absorbed by the body, help it recover, and also provide a rush of breast milk. These are:
•    meat broth with vegetables. It should be made from chicken or veal, but not from pork, because in itself it is very fatty;
•     lean chicken or beef boiled, ground in a meat grinder and mashed;
•    fat-free cottage cheese;
•    homemade yogurt;
•    fresh drinks: weak tea, compote, rosehip broth, jelly. Vegetable, fruit and meat purees in jars are quite suitable.
compote, rosehip broth, jelly.

You can also eat baby food for a newly-made mother. Vegetable, fruit and meat purees in jars are quite suitable.
compote, rosehip broth, jelly.
You can also eat baby food for a newly-made mother. Vegetable, fruit and meat purees in jars are quite suitable.

During this period it is very important to eat fractionally – 6 to 7 times during the day. Portions should be small.

Third day: diversifying the diet
Already on the third day, rumbling begins to appear in the stomach. This suggests that the gastrointestinal tract began to work actively. Therefore, you can diversify your menu. Just do it gradually. The
should not yet include those foods that cause gas and constipation. Usually, while in the hospital, a woman receives nutritional rules from doctors, within which you can only eat certain foods. The dishes we mentioned above should be varied:
•    steam cutlets and lean meatballs;
•    various liquid cereals;
•    baked apples;
•    meat and vegetable purees;

•    low-fat cottage cheese and cheese;

•    kefir (in the event that there are problems with the stool). My default image

Basic nutrition rules after discharge
Usually, a woman is discharged from the hospital on the 7th day
after giving birth
by caesarean section, if she and the baby feel normal and no complications are observed. After the newly-made mother is already at home with her tiny happiness, certain nutritional rules must be observed. After all, they have a positive effect on the recovery of the body, and also contribute to the production of "correct milk", consisting of the nutrients and nutrients necessary for the baby for full growth and development. Nutrition in the postoperative period should include a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is only very important to use those foods that do not cause allergies in newborns. These include:
•    milk, kefir, curdled milk;
& bull;    meat;
•    eggs;

•    cottage cheese;

•    butter and vegetable oil;

•    apples, pears, apricots, peaches, plums and other fruits. You can not eat cherries, sweet cherries and exotic fruits.

You can also add multivitamins designed specifically for nursing mothers to this list. And don't forget the liquid. It must be drunk in sufficient quantities.

Of course, after the operation, relatives bring food. But they, like a woman in labor, need to learn all of the above rules of nutrition even before she lies under the surgical knife. Eating properly in the postoperative period and after discharge from the hospital, the amendment will go faster, and the baby will become healthy and strong.

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