In the cold season, we are always drawn to warmth. We fly away on vacation to warm countries, wrap ourselves in a blanket and, of course, go to the bathhouse. Although the sauna has become more popular lately. And this is understandable, because many people prefer just dry steam. It is very important to follow the rules for visiting the sauna, because otherwise a pleasant stay can turn into an extreme situation. In the article we will tell you what you need to know if you are going to visit the sauna.

Sauna benefits: for beauty and health

There are many benefits to going to the sauna. Among them are the following:

  • improvement of blood circulation by increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • increase in blood flow to the skin and improve its condition;
  • cardiovascular training;
  • relaxation of muscles after a heavy load;
  • increased muscle flexibility;
  • deep relaxation;
  • due to open pores, the release of common metabolic products through the skin and the general cleansing of the body occurs.

Of course, this is not the whole list of the positive effects of the sauna on the human body. Next, we will talk in detail about the rules for visiting the sauna.

Sauna Rules: Preparation and Safety

It is worth remembering that a positive impact can only be if certain rules and procedures are observed. The rules for visiting the sauna include what must be done before, during and after the use of the sauna, as well as precautions.

  • You must enter the sauna without clothes. If you do not want to go into the saunas naked, you can wrap yourself in a sheet made of natural fabric.
  • Before entering the sauna, you must take a shower and wash off all fragrances.
  • It is better to stay in the steam room for no more than 15 minutes. At the same time, it is worth leaving earlier if you feel sleepy.
  • After leaving the sauna you need to cool down. You can take a shower or swim in the pool.
  • No more than three visits to the steam room can be made at a time.
  • Drink at least a glass of water or a decaffeinated sports drink between sessions.


  • Alcohol must not be consumed before and during the sauna.
  • After training, you need to cool down for at least 20 minutes. Entering the sauna immediately after a workout is fraught with heat stroke.
  • Before the procedure, and especially after it, you need to drink a lot. Indeed, in the sauna, the body loses a lot of fluid, and failure to comply with this rule can cause dehydration.
  • Don't eat a lot before sauna. There must be at least half an hour between her visit and the last meal.

Contraindications for visiting the sauna

As with any procedure, there are also contraindications to taking a sauna. So, people with low blood pressure should not go to the sauna. This is explained very simply - in the sauna, the pressure decreases. Pregnant women also received a ban on visiting the sauna, because too high a temperature can harm the unborn child. By the way, children are also not recommended to visit the sauna. The rules for visiting the sauna will help to avoid the undesirable consequences of exposure to dry steam.

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