A woman in modern realities seems to be between two fires. Sometimes, it is easier for her to pretend to be weak, to run away from problems in order to free herself from unnecessary responsibilities. Therefore, many modern women voluntarily choose the position of the victim in relations with the stronger sex. Such ladies believe that it is worth periodically allowing yourself a "weakness". But on the other hand, any of us can hold the whole world on our fragile shoulders. Agree, this is a real art – seems to appear vulnerable, gentle, flexible, and at the same time – tenaciously hold the helm of his own life. The  portal presents a selection of sometimes cruel, but effective rules of life for women that you should take into account.

Rules of life for women: useful guidelines

Let the truths given below seem to some of the women unnecessarily harsh and harsh, even cause rejection, but still they really work. Perhaps they will have a sobering effect on some of the ladies, and they will be turned 180 ° in life. In any case, it is worth thinking about these rules, taking note and acting, all the more so.

Of course, it's great if you have a reliable rear, a stone wall in the face of the man of your life, but to be self-sufficient and be able to count on yourself – extremely important.

  1. Perhaps the most basic: remember forever – no one should make you happy and protect you from life's misfortunes. And the notorious prince (in today's realities in a luxury car) – this is just a myth, the speculation of languid young ladies. Any man will very quickly become unbearable to drag the heavy belongings of your discontent and claims to fate. In order to avoid the fate of a suitcase left on the road, you should focus on how to realize your goals, and not on finding a man.
  2. Do as you see fit. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. Never measure anything. In a team dominated by men, and even more so. It will definitely not end positively.
  3. A man should not become your entire universe, but only one of its components, and be in the general row.
  4. You can build a spiritual relationship with someone, first of all, by loving yourself and bringing your own soul to harmony.
  5. A woman who manages to harmonize in herself, constantly developing, both existing principles (both masculine and her – primordially feminine), using everything that has been accumulated by world experience for her own self-realization, can be considered unique. The clearest example of such a lady – notorious Madame Chanel.
  6. Fate can be compared to the king of beasts. If you are afraid of something, she will "lead" behave aggressively and attack you. But if there is no fear, she will turn in the direction you need.
  7. A woman-car, rapidly rushing forward, who at the same time successfully fulfills herself, achieves her goals, a smart man will always pay attention and adequately appreciate. Such a lady is full of mysteries, and this is very encouraging.
  8. Learn to dream, focus on high goals and systematically move towards them. And it is important to be able to get high not from the result that you have come to, but from the very process of comprehension, achievement. And when you manage to "catch" and strengthen this energy in yourself, no efforts will be needed: the life puzzle will begin to take shape by itself with all its important attributes.


I think each of us understands how important it is not to stop learning and gaining new knowledge. This is the basis, a kind of life anchor that helps in very difficult times.

The above advice is actually something to think about. And how difficult it is to be a woman, however, practical, timely prompted recommendations can greatly facilitate this work. Don't stop move forward, proudly carrying this beautiful title – woman.

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