Пресекаем панику: что на самом деле показывает онкомаркер

An analysis for tumor markers in advance frightens every person to whom it is prescribed. The very constituent of the word «onko» makes you think about the inevitability of cancer. And the increased indicators obtained as a result of the study make us prepare for the worst. However, everything is not so unambiguous, because it is not always possible to say exactly what the oncomarker shows in a given situation. A similar study is prescribed for suspected cancer, but its results must be interpreted in combination. And they are not 100% "judgment". That is, an increased content of tumor markers does not always mean that you have cancer. estet-portal.com will talk about what tumor markers show and how reliable these results are.

What is a tumor marker test

Substances called tumor markers are always present in our body, because they represent a failure of antigens, hormones and proteins. Without them, the course of natural life processes is impossible. Therefore, their very presence in the blood or urine should not be frightened – this is normal. But the increased concentration should alert. And that's why – an increase in the amount of these substances is often provoked by the presence of malignant tumors in the body. At the same time, one type of tumor can lead to increased rates for one element, and the other – several at once. However, this is not always evidence of the presence of cancer.

The study can detect these components in the blood or urine. Experts recommend donating blood, because this way the results will be more accurate. But it is impossible to judge the presence or absence of an oncological disease only by such an analysis. Everything should be carried out in a complex.

What else does the detection of tumor markers give:
• determination of the focus of the disease for its subsequent examination by other methods;
• predicting the risk of cancer recurrence;
• monitoring the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment in the presence of a malignant tumor.

You should not take a test for tumor markers on your own, because you will not be able to adequately "read" results. And you will not be able to compare them with other data. Only a doctor should issue a referral for such a study. Therefore, you should not trust clinics that often advertise tests for tumor markers as mandatory and regular. In the absence of concomitant diagnostics, such an examination will simply be a waste of money.

Only a doctor can say with accuracy what a tumor marker shows. These substances are constantly in our body – and if they are normal, then there is no problem. An elevated level may indicate the presence of the disease – and not always oncological. To confirm the diagnosis, a whole range of diagnostic measures is required.

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What does the analysis for tumor markers show and is it worth worrying

It should be said right away that an increased content of oncomarkers does not always 100% indicate an existing problem.

An elevated level of tumor markers can be observed in the following cases:
• in diseases of the pancreas and kidneys;
• if you have liver problems;
• during and immediately after a cold;
• if there is an infection in the body.

Sometimes, an increased content of substances can be observed even in the last stages of pregnancy – and this is one of the variants of the norm. Hormonal changes and disruptions can also provoke a similar phenomenon.
Most of the oncomarkers were created not for the primary diagnosis of cancer and not even for detection of precancerous conditions, but to monitor the effectiveness of its treatment. That is, most often such a study is carried out when the fact of the presence of cancer in the body has already been confirmed. If, as a result of therapy, the oncomarker decreases, then the treatment is proceeding correctly. As soon as they jump up – this is a reason to be wary, to additionally examine the patient, perhaps to adjust the treatment.

Tumor markers are designed to study the dynamics of cancer treatment, and not for its primary diagnosis. Of course, in the latter case, such a study may also be required, but the doctor will not be guided only by its results. In any of the cases, elevated levels of these substances – reason for a more thorough examination of the body.

It is impossible to understand what the oncomarker shows on your own – only an experienced specialist can competently do this. It is not recommended to conduct this study on your own, especially since it was created to monitor cancer treatment and its effectiveness. In primary diagnosis, it is not used so often. Elevated levels of tumor markers do not always indicate the presence of cancer cells. Very often it is – evidence of other problems in the body that require attention. Therefore, a more in-depth study would not hurt. To do this, it is better to consult a doctor and follow his instructions.

Read also: The first 10 symptoms of cancer that should not be ignored

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