Varicose veins – problem faced by more than half of the world's population. The essence of the problem is clear from the name – the veins dilate, causing the valves that move blood from the lower extremities upwards to fail to close completely.
This entails a slowdown in blood flow and even greater vasodilation. How to recognize the first signs of varicose veins, prevent the progression of the disease in time and successfully get rid of the problem, will tell in this article.
Varicosis: main causes and provoking factors
The reasons why varicose veins develop are quite varied. At the same time, the main factor determining the likelihood of the occurrence of this problem is a genetic predisposition.
Therefore, if you have noticed signs of varicose expansion in your relatives, it is better to purchase compression (anti-varicose) knitwear. Such products, as well as many other medical products for home and professional use, can be found in the store "100 years of medical equipment". Anti-varicose knitwear will be an excellent preventive measure for people prone to varicose veins.
Compression knitwear, active lifestyle and comfortable shoes and clothes – excellent ways to prevent varicose veins.
In addition to the factor of heredity, there are a number of reasons that can provoke the development of the disease:
- sedentary work (leads to so-called computerized varicose veins);
- endocrine and hormonal disorders (puberty, pregnancy and postpartum, menopause);
- the presence of blood clots and tumors that obstruct blood flow;
- stress;
- arterial-venous fistulas;
- lack of physical activity.
Next we will look at:
- main signs and stages of the disease;
- methods of treating varicose veins.
Take care of yourself and use: Simple exercises for varicose veins
Signs of varicose veins and stages of the disease
In the initial stages, signs of varicose veins can easily be confused with ordinary fatigue, but as the disease progresses, they become more pronounced. In order to contact a phlebologist in time and undergo an examination, you should not wait until the symptoms become clearly pronounced. In fact, the best – regular examinations by a phlebologist. So, the signs and stages of varicose veins are as follows:
0 stage – this stage of varicose veins is interesting and mysterious in that it is not possible to detect the disease outwardly and during the study, but the patient complains of:
- edema;
- convulsions during sleep;
- heaviness and/or pain in the lower extremities.
1 stage – external signs are added to the above symptoms – spider veins or meshes.
Stage 2 – the patient can independently see the nodules and dilated veins, which can increase after certain exercises – prolonged sitting or walking in heels.
Stage 3 – in addition to the above symptoms, the patient begins to worry about regular swelling, most pronounced at the end of the day.
4 stage – period of trophic changes – dark brown and even almost black skin color, presence of inflamed areas, skin atrophy.
5 stage – all the above symptoms are complemented by a trophic ulcer that heals.
6 stage – trophic ulcer that does not heal.
Find out: How to improve circulation for varicose veins
How to eliminate the signs of varicose veins and overcome the disease?
The treatment program for varicose veins depends on the stage of the disease. For example, at the zero and first stages, they are limited to phlebotropic drugs (tablets and ointments) and compression stockings. When the veins are already noticeably dilated (stages 1-2), there are few such remedies, so they are added to them (if we are talking about small vessels):
- sclerosis (the so-called "gluing" of the walls of the veins, as a result of which the vein dissolves);
- laser coagulation ("sealing" of blood vessels under the influence of a laser beam).
Diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins is carried out by a phlebologist.
If a large vessel is affected, the possibility of surgical removal is not ruled out – phlebectomy. Surgical intervention is resorted to in order to avoid complications of varicose veins: thrombosis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis.
Read : When is surgery necessary for varicose veins
To prevent this problem, knowing the likelihood of its occurrence, it is better to start doing "exercises" in advance; for vessels – walk more often, take contrast showers, choose loose and comfortable clothes and shoes.
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