Продукты питания, которые провоцируют неприятный запах тела

"We are what we eat", – Hippocrates said a long time ago. Let me take the liberty of rephrasing: we smell like what we eat. And if everything is clear with the notorious onion-garlic (although here, I dare to assure you, a surprise awaits you), then with other favorite products that seem to have no effect on our amber, not everything is so simple.

It turns out that many of them affect the way we smell. And this is not about the notorious aroma from the mouth, but about the smell of our body! Estet-portal.com will share important information about how food and body odor are related.

What foods can cause body odor


Of course, this applies only to those whose alcohol vapors are already leaking even through the pores. If a person abuses alcohol, then the smell of his body will be appropriate (for example, beer, wine).  Well, fresh breath is out of the question.

Red meat

Lovers of red meat are sometimes unpleasantly struck by their own amber. I think the realization of why this is happening will amaze meat eaters even more. The fact is that red meat is digested for a long time and, sorry, rots during this process. This provokes a change in body odor. It is no coincidence that nutritionists advise replacing red meat with white. An interesting fact: in 2006, Czech scientists conducted an experiment a la "Whose sweat smells worse." The ladies were allowed to sniff two sweat samples: meat-eaters and vegetarians. Guess who smelled really bad?


During the digestion of raw onions, odor molecules are carried through the circulatory system to the lungs, causing bad breath. An excellent natural immunomodulator, garlic is also  can ruin your breath for up to 72 hours. Worse yet, body odor suffers from this apparently healthy food, as sweat (as well as urine) can exude an onion-garlic "flavor". This is due to allicin, which is released from vegetables in the process of cutting, chopping. Once in the stomach, allicin is converted into other substances that provoke the mixing of bacteria with sweat. Hence the unpleasant smell.

In 2006, Czech scientists conducted an experiment to determine whose sweat – meat-eaters or vegetarians – smells better. The best (although it would be more correct to say "less unpleasant") was the sweat of those who do not eat meat.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cabbage (headed, asparagus, cauliflower, Chinese, kohlrabi), watercress, colza, horseradish, radish, turnip, rutabaga can boast a high content of potassium and antioxidants – this is a plus. The downside of vegetables is that eating them can cause body odor. All because of the sulfur contained in the cruciferous. But since vegetables are extremely useful, you should not completely abandon them, you just need to regulate their amount. In addition, it is worth flavoring dishes with coriander, turmeric – this can solve the problem of bloating caused by cruciferous vegetables.


Coffee Like alcohol, coffee has a diuretic effect and the ability to change the smell of urine. In addition, drinking caffeinated beverages activates the sweat glands, which also affects body odor. And the dry mouth that often occurs after drinking coffee can cause bad breath.

Fenugreek (chaman, shamballa) This spice – one of the main components of the popular seasonings «Curry»,«Khmeli-suneli». Fenugreek boasts a mass of vitamins, & nbsp; minerals and… with dubious dignity to give a terrible smell to urine.

Fish oil Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids – this is mega good, mega useful! But the fact that most fish oil supplements contain various kinds of contaminants that provoke bad body odor, – mega bad. Fish oil capsules quickly deteriorate, eventually turning into a rancid substance that does not add fragrance to our body.

Many of the foods that give the body an unpleasant smell are extremely useful, so you should not completely refuse them, you just need to regulate their amount in the menu.


Thioethers and methanethiol – these two "monsters" live in asparagus and influence the smell of the urine of vegetable admirers. In fact, thioethers – organic compounds, and methanethiol –  a gas with a disgusting, reminiscent of rotting cabbage smell. I will not bother you with other complex names of substances that, when mixed, give an extremely unpleasant odor. I can only say that there is a “bouquet” floating around the asparagus lover in the toilet; public restroom. So, at least asparagus — a well-known aphrodisiac, just before a date with her, you should still be careful…


A wonderful spice that should not be abused, otherwise, for several days after eating, the pores will secrete sweat that is far from the aroma of roses. The chemical compounds contained in cumin, passing with the liquid through the kidneys, enter the urine, which also acquires not the best odor.

Be careful what you have on your plate and you won't be surprised by any health problems or bad body odor.

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