Of course, most often we combine several colors in our attire, but you can observe which color prevails in our wardrobe or which color we have chosen today. So let's look at the meaning of colors.

  • White: very neutral color, color meaning – beginning, innocence, creativity. This color is preferred by optimists, creative individuals, a little arrogant, but at the same time unable to defend their interests. If you are wearing white today, most likely you feel in high spirits, try to avoid constraint, thus, as if saying: “I am open to the world and communication, just don’t offend me!”
  • Black: in Slavic traditions means mourning, in child psychology the meaning of color – conflicts. Of course, there is some truth in this, black people are preferred by depressive individuals who reject communication, black clothes are often worn when something needs to be hidden. But at the same time, it is the color of curiosity, knowledge of the world, since after passing through the black one can also know the white. Black color is preferred by people who constantly doubt and have little trust in the world, but at the same time with a deep content of the inner world.
  • Grey: gray combines the opposite colors black and white, it sort of harmonizes and stabilizes them. Gray color in clothes is preferred by restrained, reasonable, unemotional personalities. There is an opinion that when dressed in gray, a person tries not to attract attention to himself, he is afraid to express his opinion.
  • Brown: The color of confident, reliable, successful people. Dressed in brown, you declare: “I stand firmly on my feet, I – master of his life. But if you abuse this color, you can become physically exhausted very quickly. 
  • Red: the color of energy, the color of fire and blood. This color is preferred by energetic, strong personalities who can be passionate lovers, energetic lovers, but also aggressive, assertive opponents. Red is associated with power, aggressiveness and sexual desire. Dressing in red clothes, you boldly declare yourself to the world, feeling life as much as possible.
  • Blue: A cool, deep color. People who prefer it are reliable, constant, devoted, serious. These are good friends who rejoice in the success of others and can support in difficult times. They are constantly looking for the meaning of life, and not finding it can fall into melancholy. The blue color is chosen by people who crave harmony with themselves and are tired of the tension of life, who really need a positive assessment of others and acceptance.
  • Green: calm, peaceful, the meaning of color – lifetime opportunity and beginnings. People who prefer green in clothes are optimistic, self-confident, open to communication, and easily adapt to various life events. They always achieve their goals, but not through excessive activity, but through emotions and constancy. But for all their sociability, people dressed in green clothes always have their own inner world, which they are reluctant to share with others. 
  • Yellow: a color that promotes concentration, development. Therefore, yellow is chosen by people who are intelligent, quick-witted, striving to develop and express themselves. They have high self-esteem and the ability to defend their interests. Yellow color in clothes liberates, gives freedom in relationships.
  • Orange: Has the power of red, but without the aggressive streaks. People who prefer to wear orange clothes are quite powerful, prudent, active and intelligent, have a well-developed intuition, but are often hypocritical. Dressed in orange tones, you seem to declare: « Today I am in a joyful mood and I can do anything!»
  • Purple: A fairly heavy color that combines the characteristics of red and blue. It is the color of balancing between aggression and attachment, the color of sensitivity and spirituality. Purple clothes are preferred by insecure individuals who are afraid of the manifestation of their emotions, in dire need of support and support, unable to take responsibility for their lives, and always rushing from one opinion to another.

We have considered the psychology of colors, and I hope that now you are now choosing clothes for this or that event more carefully. And with the help of flowers you can regulate your emotional state. Good luck to you!

Source estet-portal.com

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