Психотипы человека: правда о психологическом типировании

We communicate with people every day. Sometimes meetings bring pleasure, and sometimes a feeling of discomfort, something went wrong. Maybe in our communications we don not attach importance to the psychological characteristics of the personality and principles of communication with them?

The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you about what human psychotypes are, and how to establish productive relationships with them. Despite the fact that each person is unique, there are general patterns due to the mental and physiological characteristics of the individual.

There are a huge number of classifications of psychotypes. In this article, we will consider in detail the scientific system of psychotypes, which formed the basis of other typologies, including socionics .

Psychological types by temperament: Hippocratic classification

Almost 2 500 years ago, the famous physician Hippocrates formulated the first classification of psychotypes according to temperament. Temperament — these are individual mental and spiritual qualities of a person. It determines the attitude to reality and behavior in society. Temperament — this is a hereditary factor, but it influences character formation.

Read also: Communication Mistakes: 7 Barriers to Successful Communication 

Hippocrates divided all people into 4 groups:

1. Cholerics

The type is excitable, emotional, sociable. He has strong and bright emotional experiences, is unrestrained and tempered in conflict situations.

This psycho type loves to be in the center of attention, he sociable. He talks a lot and loudly, constantly moving from one topic to another. Choleric people are usually inconsistent and easily switch from one thing to another. They are physically mobile, love to travel, adventure, they have an active life position.

Choleric people are most afraid of boredom, inactivity and loneliness.

Communication for them — an integral part of life. It is important for them to speak and to be heard. Such a psychotype does not really like restrictions. If he feels he is being boxed in he will stop communicating.

Relationships with cholerics are easy if you:

  • You always offer something new.

  • You often go to parties.

  • Don do dispute 

  • Don't put restrictions on his actions.

  • Emphasize his leadership qualities.

2. Sanguine

Calm, emotionally stable with well developed attention and work capacity. They have a penchant for research activities. They are easy and calm about troubles.

Sanguine people can be defined as pragmatists. As a rule, these are introverts: they are closed in in themselves, they don like society, they are predisposed to introspection.

Sanguine people are logical and measured in their actions and decisions.

Such people are very responsible and every business is brought to to the end. This psychotype, as a rule, is a faithful friend, spouse and responsible parent.

These people are afraid of chaos and disorder. They are perfectionists and try to act carefully and without error. Sanguine people avoid unnecessary communication with people: they have a limited circle of acquaintances and friends.

If you recognized a sanguine person in your surroundings, then build your communication based on strengths and weaknesses of the personality:

  • Appeal only with verified facts.

  • If you offer a job, then the best option for them — this is a separate office or work at home.

  • Pay their attention to the possibility of self-development in the process of cooperation.

3. Phlegmatic

He doesn't strong emotions and quick reactions. Well developed attention and efficiency. Phlegmatic people hardly change the rules of life: they are dominated by constancy of habits and moods. In communication, this type avoids disputes, conflicts, and will almost always come to help, because can know how to refuse. This is the most peaceful psychotype.

Phlegmatic people like to work in a team. It is important for them to respect. But at the same time they are afraid of leadership, responsibility and controversial situations.

Based on this knowledge, you can make any suggestion and make the most of communication with this type. So, offering to participate in & nbsp; some business:

  • Put the emphasis on the fact that you need help.

  • Say that your project is run by a well-coordinated team.

  • Note that many people are hoping for help.

4. Melancholic

This type is insecure, uncommunicative and with unstable psyche. Increased emotionality and vulnerability. The melancholic is taciturn and inactive. Prone to deep inner feelings.

The pluses of this type include susceptibility to beauty. They will even notice the beautiful in everyday life. A melancholic woman will decorate her house with taste. Man — fill your life with romance. Among melancholics there are many people of art and intellectual work. They like to analyze, get to the bottom of the very essence, have pedantry.

A person of this type is afraid of making mistakes, unsure of himself, indecisive. It he hard endures for a long time. Loneliness prefers noisy companies.

For comfortable communication with melancholic:

  • Avoid criticism, especially public criticism.

  • Respect their feelings.

  • Don't rush your decision, give it time to think.

  • Keep he's faith in yourself.

  • When suggesting a joint activity, keep in mind that he loves silence and loneliness.

Speaking of  psychotypes, one must understand that in our life there are practically no pure groups.

Very few people can be called one hundred percent phlegmatic or melancholic. Almost absolute choleric was A. Pushkin, sanguine — Y. Gagarin, melancholic — N. Paganini, phlegmatic — Napoleon Bonaparte. Most are mixed. Knowing the characteristics of a person, build a strategy of behavior with him.

Psychological personality types according to K. Jung's theory

The famous Swiss psychologist, the founder of analytical psychology Carl Gustav Jung in 1921 published the book Psychological Types. This work formed the basis of many typologies. He developed a system based on the assertion that the personality structure contains one of psychic properties: logic, feeling, feeling and intuition. Because of this, he divided people into the following types:

  • Logics. Thinking predominates in the structure of the psyche of these people. First and foremost, they love accurate information. Even communication for them — it is knowledge sharing. Logicians live in the head. Their evaluation criteria are: correct-incorrect, logical-illogical, objective-non-objective, I promised — I completed. These people act according to an agreement or according to the law. Logicians have suppressed the sphere of emotions. They try to understand any situation, including an emotional one, with their heads, to reveal some logic of relations between people.

  • Emotions. Unlike logicians, they live by the soul. Emotional people ask themselves: “Is this situation and this person pleasant or unpleasant for me?” They are guided by their sensory impressions. Emotional people evaluate events from the point of view of good or bad, like it or not. There is a lot of talk these days about emotional intelligence. So these psychotypes have exactly this form of intelligence.

  • Sensors. These people have very well developed sense organs: touch, smell, sight, hearing. They perceive information through sensory, physical sensations. Sensory eyes — these are the eyes of a well-seeing person who notices all the details. He understands everything related to his body and condition, and he also realizes what the other person feels. Criteria for its assessment: cold-warm, tasty-tasteless, beautiful-ugly, pleasant-unpleasant. In  their appraisal of the world, the more an object evokes sensations, the more significant it is. They live in the present tense, here and now.

  • Intuitive type. Unlike sensors, they live in the past or future, but just not today. They perceive information spontaneously, intuitively. Such a psychotype cannot logically explain why he made this or that decision, he will not say: "I feel that way", and will not describe his feelings. Intuitive people simply say, "I don't know why I did it." I was prompted by intuition, an inner voice.

A few words about socionics: can can treat science as science

Socionics — theory of & nbsp; personality types. It originated in the 70s of the last century. It is based on K. Jung's typology and the concept of perception of new knowledge (information metabolism) by the Polish psychologist A. Kempinski. Based on these scientific theories, A. Augustinavichute — founder of socionics — brought out 16 & nbsp; psychotypes. She described various personality types that combined a combination of psychotypes: logical-ethic, rational-irrational, extrovert-introvert, etc. A. Augustinavichute gave each type a conditional name after the name of a famous person who is associated with a particular type of personality. So there were Stirlitz, Yesenins, Dreisers,

Such typing drives a person into  frames, is very conditional and did not find the support of scientists. Dividing people according to the principles of socionics is tantamount to an astrological forecast: you will always find general information that can be applied to any person. Socionic theories cannot claim the status of scientific ones. These concepts are based on inaccurate descriptions, vague formulations and a lack of experimental and evidence base.

Besides, socionic typing can harm a person. Each type is endowed with precise character traits. They are assigned to this psychotype and the model of communication with other types is prescribed: who should to communicate with and how to behave in difficult situations. This limits the circle of social connections and justifies some unpleasant character traits. A person begins to consider cynicism or hysteria as normal. After all, he attributed himself to Don Quixote or Hamlet.

Read also: Psychological illnesses: list of common disorders by types

How can knowledge about human psychotypes help us

You learned about psychotypes. Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally attribute a person to one or another type of personality. Each of us — individuality, and there are practically no pure psychotypes. But if you understand, highlight the main thing, then you will be able to better understand the motives of people, find out what they are afraid of, how to get through to them and establish effective communication.

Read also: The Truth About Positive Thinking: Is Really Beneficial

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