What is meant by the concept of "fear of undertaking"?

It is an inner panic that makes people give up any attempt, any effort. This fear is familiar to everyone. We experience it when we go on a date for the first time, get a new job, want to start our own business, or just meet a new person. And this is normal, everything that is new and unknown is scary. But if fear prevents us from realizing our ideas, acquiring a personal life, living in a new way, we must definitely fight it.

How to deal with the fear of undertakings?

First, you need to remember that success and failure are indispensable companions of any business. Even the most successful football teams lose, and the richest businessmen make mistakes. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

Secondly, it is worth making a list of your strengths that will help you in your endeavor. Such fears are almost always based on low self-esteem. Building on your strengths will help you feel more confident.

Third, draw a mental picture of achieving the goal you set for yourself. Engage in the so-called visualization. Fear of failure is often the basis of fear. But this matter must be approached thoroughly: carefully prescribe the details of success, clearly determine what emotions and feelings will prevail in you at that moment. For example, if you want to talk about a salary increase with your boss, you need to imagine the office where the conversation will take place, the time of day, the appearance of the boss, his clothes, mood, what he says to you, what you answer, how you sit, what dressed, and most importantly - how your boss announces your promotion (by the way, the amount should be clearly stated) and how you rejoice at this news (what you do, what emotions you experience, etc.).

If fear does not recede and further paralyzes you, contact a psychologist who will accompany you in the process of getting rid of fear and raising your self-esteem!

And in conclusion, I would like to note that the probability of success of your undertaking is already high due to the fact that you simply decided to start it! Good luck!

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