Влияние секса: не только приятно, но и очень полезно

Type "sexual health" or any combination (other than just "sex, otherwise you'll get more practical advice") of popular search engine questions, and it's likely that you'll be bombarded with pages of articles covering everything and everything from sexual norms and relationship advice to unplanned pregnancy and various types of infections. Less commonly discussed, however, are the physical and psychological benefits of sex.

The editors of estet-portal.com have compiled a list of "the impact of sex on health", confirmed by science.

The influence of sex: the best medicine

Sex has many benefits for physical and psychological health.

When examining how sex affects the mind and body, the list of potential benefits is endless.
In addition to sex – it is procreation, it brings pleasure and intimacy, sex, has a positive effect on many areas of life, including work, physical and mental abilities, marriage and happiness. Sex can also have a positive effect on certain organs and their condition, as well as a preventive effect on certain diseases. That is, many underestimate the impact of sex on health.

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For example, a recent study,

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Sex is also considered an important form of exercise. Sex burns about 85 calories, or 3.6 calories per minute, according to the study.

These few examples are a drop in the ocean among the many health benefits of sexual activity and masturbation that are reported in studies around the world. Medical News Today provides the basic information about the health benefits of sex based on
factual data.

The effect of sex: improves immunity and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

According to research, engaging in sex once to twice a week is optimal for boosting the immune system.

Physical activity that trains the heart is good for your health, including sex. Sexual arousal increases heart rate, with beats per minute peaking during orgasm.
Men who have sex regularly are 45 percent less likely to develop heart disease.

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Men, in particular, have shown benefits from the effects of sex on the heart. A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology in men over the age of 50 found that men who have sex at least twice a week have a 45% lower risk of heart disease compared to men who have sex less frequently. .

Sex in later years may reduce the risk of high blood pressure - at least for women.
In men, high blood pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction, and in women, high blood pressure can reduce libido and reduce interest in sex. Sex is considered safe if you have high blood pressure. However, if you are concerned or have problems in the bedroom, please contact
Sex relieves pain and reduces the risk of prostate cancer

Headache can often be used as a reason to avoid sex. However, before you find painkillers, neurologists have found that for some people, sexual activity can relieve headaches associated with migraine or cluster headaches.

One study found that women experience decreased pain sensitivity and an increased pain tolerance threshold when they experience the pleasure of vaginal self-stimulation.My default imageMen who ejaculate frequently may be protected from prostate cancer, the most common cancer among men. from the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland and published in JAMA found that men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month were one-third less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who ejaculated four to seven times a month. .

The Importance of Kissing for Youth, Health and Mental Health

The first theory is that frequent ejaculation may allow the prostate gland to expel carcinogens and materials that can drive the development of carcinogens. Another theory suggests that regular drainage of prostate fluid stops crystalloid microcalcifications - which are associated with prostate cancer - from developing in the prostatic duct.

The effect of sex: improves sleep Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Sexual activity may be just what the doctor ordered.

Some of the chemicals released during sex can help you fall asleep more easily.

During sex and orgasm, a cocktail of chemicals is released in the brain, in which includes oxytocin, dopamine and a rush of endorphins. Oxytocin, also known as the "hug hormone", promotes intimacy and bonding, and it increases during sex and orgasm in both men and women.

The effects of oxytocin, combined with the release of the hormone prolactin (which is associated with feelings of satiety and relaxation), are thought to make you sleepy after orgasm.

In men, the prefrontal cortex - the area of ​​the brain associated with vigilance, consciousness and mental activity - after an orgasm "turns off". According to a study published in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, this process is associated with the release of oxytocin and serotonin, which have a My default image
sleep-inducing effect.

Sex relieves stress, reduces weight Stress can cause all sorts of health problems, from headaches, sleep problems, muscle tension and indigestion to more severe conditions, including a weakened immune system and chronic depression.

Data published in « Psychosomatic Medicine" have shown that physical or emotional intimacy in couples is associated with reduced levels of stress.

A study published in the journal Biological Psychology found that people who have sex experience lower stress-related pressure when performing in public than people who have masturbated . The calming effect can be caused by the release of "steam" the hormone oxytocin.

And the best part for women in particular is that there is no better physical activity for weight loss than sex. Sex affects brain activity

The results of a computerized word memory task showed that women who had sex were better at recognizing abstract words in memory.

Scientists say that sex can improve memory by stimulating the creation of new neurons in the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain that is involved in learning and memory.My default image
Thinking about love activates a long-term perspective and global processing that promotes creative thinking and hinders analytical thinking. Conversely, however, thinking about sex evokes short-term perspective and local processing, which then promotes analytical thinking and hinders creativity. The influence of sex really has an infinite number of facets.

Sex increases lifespan

Do you want to live longer? Sexual activity may be the key to life extension.A study published in the BMJ concluded that sexual activity may have a protective effect on men's health.

Researchers tracked the deaths of nearly 1,000 men aged 45 to 59 over a 10-year period. They found that the risk of death was 50 percent lower in men who had frequent orgasms than in men who did not ejaculate regularly.
Another study also concluded with similar results. A 25-year study published in the journal Gerontologist found that in men, frequent intercourse is a significant predictor of longevity, while in women, those who reported past pleasure from sex lived longer

The influence of sex: increases self-esteem In addition to all the physical benefits, frequent sexual satisfaction can improve emotional well-being.
People who enjoy casual sex tend to report higher self-esteem.
Studies published in Social Psychology and Personality Science" showed that among college students, those who had casual sex reported higher levels of well-being and self-esteem compared to students who did not have casual sex.

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On the other side of the coin, according to a study published in the journal Adolescent Health,women with higher self-esteem reported more satisfying sex, including more

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The impact of sex: make love more often

These are just a few of the many benefits that sex can bring to your health. While sex can be enjoyable and exciting, it's important to remember that practicing safer sex can reduce your risk of contracting STDs and help you avoid unintended pregnancies.

The influence of sex
cannot be described in one article, but we know for sure that having sex is very useful, especially when it's all about love!

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