Скрытые симптомы рахита: как уменьшить риск возникновения патологий

Rickets – to a greater extent, a childhood disease that occurs due to a lack of vitamin D. Most often it is diagnosed in babies under the age of 3 years with impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Most infant formula contains a daily dose of the vitamin, so severe forms of the disease are rare. It is important to notice the first manifestations of a violation in an infant in time in order to reduce the risk of pathologies of the bone apparatus. Autumn and winter – a period of exacerbation of rickets, the sun rarely appears, it is not always possible to walk in the fresh air with a child. Vitamin D enters the body with food or is synthesized under the influence of UV rays. Unbalanced nutrition, lack of interaction between the skin and the sun entails its lack. Without medical therapy, the disease is fraught with scoliosis, flat feet, malocclusion, in advanced cases – CNS damage, developmental delay.

estet-portal.com will tell what is rickets, the symptoms of the disease, how not to get into the risk zone.

Dangerous rickets symptoms – important information for parents

The active stage of rickets is acute and subacute. In the first case, children who grow and gain weight according to the norms are susceptible to the disease, but do not receive a prophylactic dose of vitamin D. In the second case, babies with low body weight, with improper feeding and care suffer.

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Mild degree develops in infants 1-3 months of life, has the following symptoms:

  • restlessness and excitability of the baby;

  • starting at loud noises and turning on the lights;

  • superficial and restless sleep;

  • poor motor ability;

  • does not hold head;

  • excessive sweating when feeding, crying;

  • sweat has a sour, unpleasant odor;

  • irritation and prickly heat on the back of the head;

  • lack of hair on the back of the head, because the baby constantly rubs it against the pillow;

  • fontanel is pliable at the edges;

  • muscle hypotonicity.
By 6 months the disease passes into the second stage of development. If parents do not cure rickets in time, its symptoms become more noticeable in external changes. The baby is inactive, psychomotor functions are impaired, physical development lags behind. 

Additional symptoms:

  • abrupt increased sweating;

  • rapid fatigue and weakness;

  • X-ray clearly shows skeletal deformity;

  • occipital bone soft, comparable to a cardboard box when pressed against;

  • chest sinks or bulges;

  • pelvic bones narrowing;

  • bumps appear on the forehead;

  • balls form on the wrists, they are called rickety bracelets.

Should children be given vitamins: Dr. Komarovsky's opinion

In the future, the disease progresses, affecting the internal organs. Vomiting, poor digestion, abdominal pain develops. The legs take on a deformed appearance, in the form of letters O or X.

Prevention of rickets in infants – practical advice

Take into account the following recommendations:

  1. During pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to be outdoors more often on sunny days.

  2. Eat a nutritious diet with the recommended content of calcium, phosphorus and other important trace elements.

  3. If the last months fall during the winter period, the gynecologist will prescribe an additional intake of fish oil or a vitamin D supplement.

  4. As early as 4 weeks of age, infants are prescribed a prophylactic dose of vitamin D, either in water-soluble or fat-soluble form.

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The risk group includes babies whose mothers suffered from severe toxicosis during pregnancy, premature babies with small body weight and height. Newborns with infection at birth are prone to rickets. Multiple pregnancies require an increased dose of vitamins and minerals. 

Causes of rickets in an infant

To build a normal skeletal system, she needs vitamin D in sufficient quantities. It is responsible for the metabolic processes of phosphorus and calcium. Not always rickets – the consequences of a lack of this vitamin. causes of scoliosis


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Main causes of illness:

genetic predisposition;

  • insufficient amount of calcium and phosphorus in the baby's body;

  • formula feeding;

  • period of intensive growth and increased need for minerals;

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

  • thyroid disease;

  • disturbances of metabolic processes;

  • taking antiepileptic drugs.

  • The main danger of the disease
  • – it provokes SARS, pneumonia, intestinal disorders and many other dysfunctions. Diseases in a child with rickets are more difficult and poorly treatable. It is impossible to cure the middle and severe stages of the disease without the help of a doctor. This is fraught with visual pathologies that persist throughout life.

Signs of a lack of vitamins – how to identify and win

If you don't want to miss rickets, symptoms should be noticed from the first months of a child's life. They manifest themselves in a complex way, therefore, if there are several signs of the disease, it is best to seek help from a pediatrician. The baby will be prescribed the necessary dosage of vitamin D for him and will select the appropriate drug.

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