When a person is missing a tooth, it represents a cosmetic defect as well as trouble with the food processing process. In case of dental diseases, the dentist is often forced to remove the diseased tooth in order to avoid the spread of infection and aggravate the process. When a tooth is lost, people at any age resort to its restoration - implantation. To date, dental implants have gained popularity as it allows patients to regain a tooth in the place where it was removed, and this new tooth is absolutely no different from the real one in appearance. But, like other manipulations, dental implantation has its own complications and cases of unsuccessful implantation. What are the reasons for unsuccessful dental implantation?
Installation of the implant. Method of carrying out the procedure.
The implant placement procedure is a procedure lasting up to several months. The installation of the implant takes place in stages. The first step is a thorough diagnostic examination of the patient, which will allow assessing the condition of the bone tissue, the anatomical structure of the jaws, the viability of the required jaw and establishing the feasibility of building up the alveolar process.
To do this, before installing the implant, the patient takes a general and biochemical blood test, urinalysis, coagulogram, panoramic x-ray, computed tomography. The anamnesis of life, hereditary diseases, the presence of endocrinological diseases and metabolic disorders in the body are specified.
You can get a full examination and consultation on the feasibility and possible complications of dental implantation at www.amistom.ru
Advanced computed tomography techniques are also used post-implantation to determine the success of the procedure by implant placement.
The essence of the implant installation operation is the implantation of a titanium implant into a drilled recess in the jaw and fixation of the abutment to attach the tooth root to it. Implant placement is considered a safe procedure, but this does not exclude the possibility of unsuccessful implantation and the occurrence of complications.
Complications that may occur after dental implantation.
Installation of an implant is the most effective method of restoring one or more teeth. But, there are cases in which patients report complications after a dental implant procedure. Some cases were due to rejection of the implant by bone tissue or failed osseointegration with bone tissue. Unfortunately, these phenomena cannot be foreseen or prevented. The most common complications after dental implantation are:
• Peri-implantitis – This is one of the most common causes of failed dental implants. Peri-implantitis appears due to infection at the site of the operation of a bacterial nature. There is also swelling and inflammation of the tissues that surround the implant. In severe cases, peri-implantitis leads to bone destruction.
• Loosening of the implant. After implantation of the tooth, the implant may loosen, which is a consequence of the incorrect location of the implant in the jaw. The same is observed in violation of the osseointegration of the implant with the bone. There were cases when the implant cracked right in the deepening of the jaw. In such cases, the implant needs to be replaced.
• Tissue damage. As with any operation, it is possible to traumatize the tissues that surround the implantation site. This is accompanied by inflammation, swelling, redness and pain in the tissues. Careful care is required to prevent infection of these tissues.
• Nerve damage occurs when the implant is placed very close to the nerve or if the artificial tooth is directly above the nerve. This happens with insufficient preparation of the patient by a specialist, when the location of the anatomical structures in a particular patient has not been studied. This complication is accompanied by severe pain. If there is severe pain after implantation of a tooth, you should immediately consult a dentist to replace the old implant with a new one.
• Sinus injuries. When installing an implant in the upper jaw, such a complication as damage to the sinuses is quite common. This is manifested by aching pains, exacerbations of sinusitis and sinusitis, sometimes there may be an increase in temperature. Such cases require replacement of the implant.
• Loss of the implant crown occurs when the implant fails to integrate. This can loosen the implant crown and cause crown loss.
• Paresthesia. When installing implants, it is possible to touch the nerves that innervate the oral cavity, tongue, jaws. If numbness in the mouth persists for a long time after implantation of a tooth, it is worth consulting a doctor.
• Improper implantation. When fixing two teeth at the same time on one implant, one or both teeth can be unsuccessfully fixed.
Despite these possible complications after dental implantation, they do not appear in every patient. There are risks of complications. So, in people with bad habits and reduced immunity, the risk of complications is higher.
Care of the oral cavity after dental implantation
After dental implantation, it is important to know some oral care rules that can prevent the development of complications in the postoperative period.
• In the process of chewing food, you should try not to put pressure on the newly implanted implant in order to avoid the appearance of a crack in it or the appearance of a fracture of the implant screw.
• After the operation, there may be light bleeding at the site of the operation. It is necessary to apply a gauze bandage to this place for 25-30 minutes.
• After dental implantation, it is important to maintain proper oral hygiene to prevent the occurrence of infectious inflammatory processes.
• During the healing period after dental implantation, it is necessary to exclude drinks that contain caffeine, as well as to exclude the use of tobacco products. They lengthen the healing period and stain the new tooth in an uncharacteristic color for it.
First of all, before making a decision on implantation of a tooth, you need to consult an experienced specialist about the appropriateness of the operation and the possible risks specifically for each patient. Also, by agreeing to the operation, the patient must be aware of possible complications, and actions in case of them.
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