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Let's start outside the box for us - with the bad news: it is impossible to stay forever young, and after 25 years the aging process begins. However, there is good news -  we know (and will tell you) a few rules that will help you keep your youth as long as possible.

Faith and attitude will help you stay young

"A significant part of the signs of decrepitude that we see with age, in fact, is not associated with the aging process. It is the result of our expectations and attitude,” said Professor Ellen Langer. It is worth thinking about this and changing your internal program if you want to live happily until the fabulous century.

We must remember that youth – it is not only a beautiful outer shell, but also healthy systems of our body. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of preserving youth comprehensively.

Here are some practical tips from estet-portal.com on how to stay young.

Let's save lungs with dairy

We all remember the phrase “Drink milk, children, you will be healthy!”, but milk is no less useful for adults. If you consume a couple of glasses of low-fat milk or other lactic acid products daily, then your lungs will experience less age-related changes. Thanks to vitamin A, which includes the genes responsible for the division of lung tissue cells, and vitamin D, which serves to protect the lungs from damage.

Cardio exercise for the cardiovascular system

In the aorta, a process occurs such as the replacement of elastinan with collagen, that is, a protein that is able to stretch and shrink is replaced by a more rigid fibrillar protein. As a result of this process, we get a "hard heart" by the age of 40. Also, after this period, the heart begins to decrease by about 0.3 grams per year, respectively, it becomes harder for it to pump blood, and the risk of getting a myocardial infarction increases. However, if you run at an average pace only at least three times a week, the likelihood of a heart attack will decrease. Cardio loads restore the elasticity of the heart muscle and arteries, ensuring the normalization of the pulse in a calm state.

Save brains with sports

As unfortunate as it may be, but after 25 years the peak of our mental abilities passes, the brain begins to slowly decrease. Deborah Little, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas, explains that as the brain shrinks, white matter begins to conduct nerve impulses worse, and therefore working memory will store information less.

Research conducted by British scientists showed that people who learned to juggle for six weeks improved the structural integrity of the white matter of the brain. Jan Scholz, the scientist who conducted the research, gave advice to engage in sports where it is necessary to perform precise movements of the arms or legs: tennis, bowling, darts, archery, etc. Or at least pick up some balls and learn how to juggle them.

Save the bones with dried fruit

Hurry, run for the prunes! Often people try to keep their youth and look 20 in their 40s, with the help of cosmetics, forgetting about the main thing, that youth – it's not just skin, it's bones too! A recent MayoClinic study showed that cancellous bone thickness in the bones of males decreases by 30% by age 48, starting at age 24. After this, the bones begin to lose minerals around age 65. Dried fruits, in particular prunes, are a way out of this situation. It contains unique polyphenols that support the fight against osteoporosis. And it is magnesium that helps to strengthen and compact the skeleton. And you need to eat only about 3 prunes a day, washed down with water. You can also add 2 apples or 50 grams of fresh blueberries to your diet.

Thus, with all of the above, and with just a few adjustments to your daily routine, you can stop the aging process, and therefore preserve youth.

Be young, beautiful and healthy!

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